Proszę o sprawdzenie mojej autoprezentacji.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Jarosław and I am twenty one years old. I am from Katowice. When I was young I want to be a doctor but live is unpredictable and now I study at Technical University of Gliwice in specialization mining and geology. I’m sure it is a good choice and this way of my education bring me good earnings and gives me pleasure from work because I like extreme and interesting job. This is my third year of study. I interested in innovations at mining process and car mechanic. When I finish my study I will go to coal mine “wujek “ because I have signed contract with them. I get monthly money from them and after study a must go to that mine. My main aim in the nearest years is arrive to Australia and work in this country like a miner.

Jakieś sugestie by lepiej brzmiało bądź- przede wszystkim poprawność językową proszę zaoferować. Z góry dziękuję.
When I was young I 'want' (kiedy bylem maly chce byc lekarzem?) to be a doctor but 'live' (live to jest czasownik. dlaczego on jest tutaj?) is unpredictable and now I study at (brak przedimka) Technical University of Gliwice 'in specialization' (nie, napisz: specializing in) mining and geology. I’m sure it is a good choice and this way 'of' (po co to tutaj jest?) my education (tutaj modal) bring me good earnings and 'gives' (hello? cos nie tak, najpierw 'bring' - jakby w przyszlosci a tutaj masz teraz.) me pleasure from workING because I like (przedimek) extreme and interesting job.
I (cos brakuje) interested in innovations 'at' IN (brak przedimka) mining 'process' (chyba l. mn) and (tutaj cos brakuje - czy to jest hobby?) car mechanic. When I finish my study I will 'go' (napisz 'work) 'to' FOR coal mine “Wujek “ because I have signed (brak przedimka) contract with them. I get monthly 'money' (za kolokw slowo - 'pay') from them and after (cos tutaj bym dodala) study 'a' (popraw) must go to that mine. My main aim in the nearest years is TO 'arrive' (zle slowo) to Australia and work in 'this' THAT country 'like' (nie uzywaj slowa 'like' w ten sposob, bo tutaj albo jestes a minor albo nie- a nie like a minor - to znaczy 'podobnie do') a miner.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the). MUSISZ sie tego nauczyc.