Krótki opis miasta (proszę o sprawdzenie czy są błędy)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rome is the capital of Italy, a city is located in the central part of the country, surrounded by mountains and the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city center is a typical tourist place full of monuments and historical sites like the Colosseum, the Pantheon and numerous churches and fountains. In view of the high number of tourists this place is very noisy, a bit unclean and chaotic, but despite a few flaws you can fall in love with this city. Everyone is able to find in it a favorite place hanging out at a local trattoria, drinking wine and eating the best pasta and pizza. The best way to visit the city are tour buses that pass next to all the interesting sights. This city is also active at night. Young people usually sit on whole groups on piazza's in Trastevere, drinking colorful coctails or their most popular beer Peroni and talking until late night. Romans, their free time in the summer spend with their families at the seaside or in the many parks doing barbecue and talking loud. Residents of the city are very helpful to tourists but they often don't speak English.
Rome is my favorite city, I've been there 6 times and each time I can find something new when i get lost. The city is full of interesting places to discover.

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