Homeschooling - rozprawka.

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Oto moja praca:

More and more families decides to homeschooling. What are benefits and the drawbacks of taking such a step?

The main advantage of taking such a step is that hometeachers can pay more attention to student. In schoolclass there are 25 students so the teacher can't concentrate on the one. He needs to help everyone in the class. The next advantage is that schoolboy or schoolgirl doesn't waste time for travells from home to school. Most of the students spend hours in means of transport when they're going to school or comming back from it. The last benefit is that students don't afraid asking questions. It's easier to ask teacher about something that is difficult when nobody's hearing.
Introducing the opposing set of arguments, homeschooling reduces the time spending with friends. Student who is learning at home spend less time with colleagues. At school people can meet a real friend or even a girlfriend or boyfriend. The homestudents have limited contact with their peers. They have also less opportunities to meet somebody with similar interests. The other disadvantage of this step is that child can't take part in school trips which are very intresting and inspiring for young people. It's difficult to their parents to organise some educational event only for their child because it's too expensive.

On the whole, homeschooling has a lot of benefits and drawbacks, but in my opinion homeschooling is not as good as learning at school.


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