Rozprawka na temat portali internetowych.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna za sprawdzenie mojej pracy. :) I oczywiście jakieś wskazówki na przyszłość, co do pisania pracy.

Coraz mniej osób korzysta z prasy papierowej na rzecz portali internetowych. Napisz rozprawkę na temat wad i zalet elektronicznych wydań gazet i magazynów kolorowych.

More and more people prefer to read web portals than normal newspapers or magazines. The moot question is whether this phenomenon has only positive sides or If is it negative trend. This is what I will discuss below.
Firstly reading on the monitor of computer or telephone isn’t the same like in paper. The opponents says is not pleasant sitting a front of computer and read. Better is sitting with magazine on the hand and just traditional reading. Moreover to read web portal, you need electricity. Not in every place on the world, you have access to internet. And sometimes it’s possible to cut off a power. Then people back to normal newspapers.
On the other, web portals are free. You don’t have to buy every day newspaper and spend money for this. Maybe it’s not much money when you read just one type of magazine, but If you want read articles in few different newspapers, this can be bigger expense. In addition not all magazines are available in shops. In internet you can read newspapers from all world. And of course you don’t have to leave your home. It’s comfortable solution for busy people. Nowadays, when the most people have internet in telephone, you can read everything what you want, where you want.
Taking into consideration, all aforementioned arguments, web portals have more advantage, than disadvantages. Of course, sometimes is good to read newspapers, but web portals are really good and comfortable invention.
More and more people prefer to read web portals than 'normal' (moze inne slowo - bo kto to uznaje co jest 'normal' - moze 'paper' albo 'hardcopy') newspapers or magazines. The moot question is whether this phenomenon has only positive sides or if is 'it' (co to 'it' tutaj robi?) (has) negative 'trend' (trend - to jest zle slowo - daj 'aspects').
Firstly reading 'on' (nie w tym miejscu) the monitor of (brak przedimka) computer or (brak przedimka) 'telephone' (nie musisz tutaj uzyc tgej najnowoczesniejszej nazwy tego) isn’t the same like (ale co? musisz napisac) 'in' ON paper. The opponents 'says' (jak 'opponents' -l. mn - to 'say) is IT not pleasant sitting IN 'a' (niepotr) front of (przedimek) computer and read. IT IS better TO BE 'is' (niepotr) sitting with (przedimek) magazine 'on' IN 'the' (niepotr) hand and just (tutaj brakuje slowa) traditional reading. Moreover to read (przedimek) web portal, you need electricity. Not in every place on the world, (daj tutaj mosal 'would') you have access to (przedimek) internet. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdania z 'and' - to jest jakis nowoczesny trend - ale to nie ladnie wyglada) sometimes it’s possible to cut off 'a' (nie zadne 'a', bo tu wiemy o co chodzi 'the') power. Then people (tutaj brakuje 2 slowa) back to normal newspapers.
You don’t have to buy 'every day newspaper' (nie, inaczej. - przedimek newspaper...) and spend money for this. Maybe it’s not much money when you read just one type of (przedimek) magazine, but if you want (cos brak) read articles in (przedimek) few different newspapers, this can be (przedimek) bigger expense. In addition, not all magazines are available in shops. 'In' ON THE internet you can read newspapers from all (brak 2 slowa) world. 'And ' (znowu - poszukaj jakies inne slkowo)of course you don’t have to leave your home. It’s (przedimek) comfortable solution for busy people. Nowadays, when 'the' (niepotr) most people have internet in (cos brak) 'telephone' (nie, musisz nazwac to tym Blackberry czy jakos, ja mam telephone ktory nawet niema kamery), you can read everything 'what' (hello - kalka z polskiego 'co' niepotr, ale jakies inne slowo to potrzebne) you want, where you want.
Taking (ale co? musisz napisac) into consideration, all aforementioned arguments, web portals have more advantageS (bo 'portals-l. mn), than disadvantages. Of course, sometimes IT is good to read newspapers, but web portals are (przedimek) really good and comfortable invention.

Kochanie, cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the) masz problemy. Musisz to jeszcze raz przerobic.
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc!
Właśnie o to chodzi, że te przedimki ciągle powtarzam i powtarzam, ale jakoś do głowy wejść nie chce!
Jeszcze raz dzięki!


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