opowiadanie prosze o sprawdzenie ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz opowiadanie , w którym nieumiejętne posługiwanie się nowoczesną technologią sprowadza na bohatera niebezpieczeństwo.

Last month I got from my mother a new navigation system on birthday. A few day letter I and my friend Kate decided to go for a trip to somwhere new, unknown place.
It was a beautiful winter day. Snow finely sparkled in the sunshine. We were so exited because promised a fantastic day. We decided to go to the small mountain village next to the Zakopane. We chose it places on the navigation system (but unfortunalety leter turned out that we did it badly) and set off. Map showed that we have to drive 150km. We rode as directed to showed by the GPS. After 3 hours of driving we realized that the route which showed the deviced was wrong, because we should be a long time in a village. We decided to turn back but suddenly it began to snow and we must stop, because nothing could be seen. After a few hours of standing on the side we were terribly cold and exhousted. We dreamt only about hot tea and return to home. We tried to call to the roadside assistance, but unfortunately under the influence of cold our phones turned off. We were terrifield, but happily after a while snow stopped and we could drive. we arrived at the nearest petrol station an we told our terrible adventure. People were shocked and immediately took care of us. From this moment we exactly check way on the traditional map and do not use a GPS.
Widac, ze tlumaczyas slowo w slowo z polskiego, to ma za bardzo p[olski uklad zdan zamiast ang.

Last month I got 'from my mother a new navigation system on birthday' (najpierw dlaczego, pozniej co, a pozniej od kogo ). A few day 'letter ' ( o jakim liscie tutaj mowa?) and my friend Kate decided to go for a trip to somwhere new, (brak przedimka) unknown place.
It was a beautiful winter'S day. Snow 'finely' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) sparkled in the sunshine. We were so exited because (tu cos brak) promised (tu brak 2 slowa) a fantastic day. We decided to go to the small mountain village 'next' (nie, daj tutaj 'nrear') to 'the' (niepotr) Zakopane. We chose 'it places' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem) on the navigation system (but 'unfortunalety' (ortog) 'leter' (ortog) (brak slowa) turned out that we did it badly) and set off. (przedimek) map showed that we 'have' (dalabym przeszly) to drive 150km. We 'rode' (nie, uzywajac samochod, uzywamy 'drive', tutaj 'drove') as directed 'to' (zle slowo) 'showed' (zle slowo) by the GPS. After 3 hours of driving we realized that the route which 'showed the deviced' (nie, tutaj chodzi o cos innego, to nie route pokazuje gps, ale gps pokazuje route) was wrong, because (brak 2 slowa) we should 'be' (zly czas) a long time (cos brak) in 'a' (nie zadne 'a', tutaj THE, bo chodzi o konkrentna) village. We decided to turn back (przecinek przed 'but') but suddenly it began to snow and we 'must' (zly czas) stop, because (daj tutaj, ze niemogliscie nic widziec, bo to o to chodzi) nothing could be seen. After a few hours of standing on the side we were terribly cold and 'exhousted' (ortog). We dreamt only about hot tea and (daj przedimek) return 'to' (nbiepotr) home. We tried to call 'to' (niepotr) the roadside assistance, but unfortunately under the influence of cold our phones t'urned off' napisz to inaczej, moze nawet 'died'). We were terrifield, but happily after a while (przedimek) snow stopped and we could drive ON. We arrived at the nearest petrol station 'an' (ortog) we told (ale komu? nikomu? tysiace ludziom?) (brak slowa) our terrible adventure.
From this moment ON 'we exactly check' (zla kol slow) (przedimek) way on the traditional map and do not use a GPS.


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