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It was eight years ego. When I was on holiday in mountain with my parents. I was walking in the mountain trail and admire views. Suddenly I noticed that I was alone there. I didn’t see my parents. At first I felt fear. I didn’t know what I should do. Then I have got only eight years. I shouted and looked for my mom and dad. I started to cry. An hour later I heard that my mom shouted my name. I was so happy. My parents started to hug me. Later, they said me that I can’t go alone everywhere.

z góry bardzo dziękuję :))
It was eight years {ago}. {} I was on holiday in {the mountains} with my parents. I was walking {along a} mountain {track, admiring the} views. Suddenly I noticed that I was alone there. I {couldn't} see my parents. At first I felt fear. I didn’t know what I should do. {} I {was} only eight years {old then}. I shouted and looked for my mom and dad. I started to cry. An hour later I heard {} my mom {shouting} my name. I was so happy. My parents started to hug me. Later, they {told} me that I {couldn't} go alone {anywhere}.
dzięki wielkie :))


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