Opis obrazka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Taki obrazek, sorki za słabą jakość...
Proszę o sprawdzenie czy dobrze, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o czasy... i pokazać, gdzie błędy, ewentualnie może dodać coś od siebie Very Happy

The photos shows a room, probably this is a salon. In the foreground i can see two people - man and girl. He is older than her. He is wearing blue t-shirt and grey tracksuits. He is sitting in a sofa. Propably he is surfing the net. Nexto to him is a girl. She is lying on a sofa. She is wearing green sweter and trousers with strip. She has long, brown hair. In the background i can see shining lamp and phone on chest. At the bottom i a table. The pizza is on it.

I jeszcze mam takie pytanie do tego obrazka:
How do you think they are feeling? Why?

Coś takiego napisałem:
I think their stomachache, because they are pizza. I think this pizza was unfresh.

Także prosiłbym o sprawdzenie tego i ewentualne wskazówki, jakie mogę jeszcze tutaj użyć powody, bo brakuje mi pomysłów.

Jeszcze mam takie pytania:
1. How often do you order food online?
2. When was the last time you felt sick after a meal?

Niekoniecznie liczę na konkretną odpowiedź na te pytania(no chyba, że będzie się komuś chciało), ale przynajmniej jakich słów mógłbym użyć, jak uzasadnić, że np. nie zamawiam w ogóle jedzenia online, czy też, że ostatni raz np. czułem się źle po jedzeniu w Mc'u Very Happy
szczerze, jak spojrzalem na ten obrazek to tez odnioslem wrazenie, ze sie zle czuja
I think they're going to be sick. They both could have a stomach ache after eating that pizza which doesn't look fresh to me.
The {photo} shows a room, probably {it} is a {living room}. In the foreground{, I} can see two people - {a} man and {a} girl. {The man looks} older than {the girl}. He is wearing {a} blue {T}-shirt and grey {tracksuit trousers}. He is sitting {on} a sofa. Propably he is surfing the {Net}. Next to him is {the} girl. She is lying on {the} sofa. She is wearing {a} green sweter and trousers with {stripes}. She has long, brown hair. In the background{, I} can see {a} shining lamp and {a} phone on {a bedside table}. At the bottom{, there's} a table {and some} pizza {} on it.


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