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Witam prosze o wskazanie ewentualnych błędów. Z góry bardzo dziękuję

Dear Jarek
Thanks so much for you letter. I am very sorry, I have not wrtitren for so long. I was very busy. Month ago I finished my University and I moved to the onother city.
I am written to tell you that I found job. Now I working in bank for Getin Bank. I work as a credit assistance. 20 people work under me. I go to work by bus, because bank is near my flat. It takes about 15 minutes. One my responsibilites is to sale credits cards and deposits. I love my job. I usualy wokr with documents but I have alot of contract with new people . I have permanent job so I wokr 8 hours evry da.
I spend a lot of time with my new friends. Last weekend we went to cinema. In next Monday I am going to make a party. Maby will you visit me? It is will be grate. My neighbours are very friendly. They helped me lot.
Send me news, when you know anything more about your life, for exapmle job or yout free timie.
Best wishes
I moved to the onother city. - another, a nie onother.

I working in bank for Getin Bank. - O ile się nie myle to nie lepiej napisać - I working in bank Getin Bank. Bądź po prostu - I working in Getin Bank.

20 people work under me. - powineneś napisać tak, chyba - 20 people work with me.

Maby will you visit me? - Maybe

yout free timie. - your free time.

edytowany przez krulik661: 15 mar 2013

Dear Jarek
Thanks so much for you letter. I am very sorry I have not wrtitren for so long. I was very busy. ___month ago I finished my University and I moved OUT to the onother city.
I am written to tell you that I HAVE found ___ job. Now I ___ working in bank for Getin Bank. I work as a credit assistance. 20 people work under me. I go to work by bus, because _____bank is near my flat (skoro jest blisko, chodź pieszo :)) It takes about 15 minutes TO GET THERE. One OF my responsibilites is to sale credits cards and deposits. I love my job. I usualy work with documents but I have a lot of contract with new people . I have ____ permanent job so I work 8 hours every day.
I spend a lot of time with my new friends. Last weekend we went to____ cinema. In next Monday I am going to make (?-nie znam tego, może tak sie mówi) (THROW/GIVE/HAVE) a party. Maby will WHY DON'T you visit me? It is will be grate (całe zdanie źle). My neighbours are very friendly. They helped me ___ lot.
Send me news, PLEASE LET ME KNOW when you know anything more about your life, for exaMPLE, YOUR job or youR free time.
Best wishes

No, nie przyłożyłaś/eś się do tego. Elementy podkreślona trzeba jakoś "zreperować".
20 people work under me.
Cytat: fui_eu

right, didn't notice that
you letter
to sale
edytowany przez fui_eu: 15 mar 2013
Sorry, I wear glasses.
Cytat: grudziu
Sorry, I wear glasses.
I'm not laying a blame. Just trying to weed out remaining mistakes.
Cytat: fui_eu
Cytat: grudziu
Sorry, I wear glasses.
I'm not laying a blame. Just trying to weed out remaining mistakes.

Yeah, I know, mate. In the UK I heard the phrase "work under sb", upon my word!
Yeah, I know, mate. In the UK I heard the phrase "work under sb", upon my word!
nie mam pretensji do TEJ czesci zdania.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.