Prezentacja na dowolny temat

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie moich wypocin. Jest to prezentacja na dowolny temat, a konkretnie na temat nowego motocykla. Jako, że przez wiele lat pracowałem w salonie motocyklowym załapałem troche angielskich zwrotów związanych z tym tematem.

hello everyone, thank you for coming. My name is Thomas and I'm a chef enginner in Yamaha Motor Company. Today, I want tell you about our new product. I and my team spent a lot of time working on it. I want introduce you a new Yamaha YZR 250. probably you want to know what diffrences accuried compare with old model. We slide engine back to improve the balance and increse handling. Drivers can expect a greater acceleration because we apply piston with three rings . To this motor we developed a brand new cool design. We are very proud of our new motor and I hope that you enjoy it too. A new model will be avaible in our dealers and partners in July 2013. Thank you for for your attention and see you on truck.

Z góry dziękuje wszystkim za pomoc.
edytowany przez DerekDX: 10 kwi 2013
want to
the new Yamaha
sprawdź pisownie 'róznice', potem napisz there are compared with the'
slide - czas terazniejszy 'ślizgamy się'
pisownia increse
expect greater
przedimek przed piston
avial - popraw pisownie, potem from
truck - ciężarówka

Dziękuję za pomoc. Poniżej wersja poprawiona dla potomnych, powinno wszystko być OK.

hello everyone, thank you for coming. My name is Thomas and I'm a chef engineer in Yamaha Motor Company. Today, I want to tell you about our new product. I and my team spent a lot of time working on it. I want introduce you the new Yamaha YZR 250. probably you want to know what differences there are compare with old model. We moved engine back to improve the balance and increase handling. Drivers can expect greater acceleration because we apply a piston with three rings . To this motor we developed a brand new cool design. We are very proud of our new motor and I hope that you enjoy it too. A new model will be available in our dealers and partners in July 2013. Thank you for for your attention and see you on track.
at Yamaha
want to
nie poprawiles calego zdania z compare
the engine
improve balance
nie zmieniles przyimka po available


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