Pilne :>

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I. Rewrite sentences in reported speech
1. I`ve never met this man before,` said the woman
The woman said I had never met this man before.
2. It was a really interesting journey,` she said
She said It had been a really interesting journey.
3. We`re trying hard to make up for the last time,` Mr Brown told us
Mr Brown told us that we were trying hard to make up for the last time.
4. It will make a great present for your mother,` Jack told me
Jack told me It would make a great present for your mother.
5. My brother doesn`t think it`s a very good idea,` she said
She said My brother didn`t think it`s a very good idea.
II. Report the questions.
1. `Have you ever flown this tape of plane? Simon asked us.
Simon asked us If I had ever flown this tape of plane.
2. `What time is the next train to London? He asked me.
He asked me What time the next train to London was.
3. `Will you wait for me? She asked him.
She asked him If he would wait for her.
4. `What did they watch at the cinema yesterday? Grace asked Jane.
Grace asked Jane What they had watched at cinema the day before.
5. `How are you going to come back to Cardiff tomorrow? My dad asked me.
My dad asked me How I was going to come back to Cardiff the next day.
6. `Will you go to visit your grandmother in the hospital? Asked my mum.
My mum asked me If I would go to visit my grandmother in the hospital.
7. `Where did you see Marry yesterday? Asked the policeman.
The policeman wanted to know Where I had seen Marry the day before.
8. `Has the dog eat all its food? Asked my dad.
My dad wondered to know If the dog ate all its food.
9. `Where you sleeping when I called you? Asked my dad.
My dad asked Where I was sleeping when he called me.
III. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Nie wiedziałem, że chcesz mnie jutro zobaczyć.
I didn`t know that you want to see me tomorrow.
2. Myślałem, że szukasz pracy.
I was thinking that you look for the job.
3. Miałem nadzieję, że twój brat zwróci mi te 100$.
I was believed that you brother will give me back that 100$.
4. Sędzia chciał wiedzieć, kiedy ostatnio widziałęs tego człowieka.
Judge wanted to know when you saw this man last time.
5. On był pewien, że nigdy cię nie spotkał.
He was sure that He had never met you before.
6. Wierzyliśmy, że nigdy nas nie opuścisz.
We believed that you would never leave us.
7. Ojciec prosił mnie abym umył samochód.
Dad asked me to wash the car.
8. Żona kazała mi kupić butelkę mleka.
Wife told me to buy buttle of milk.
9. Dowódca kazał żołnierzom przejść przez most.
Commander told soldiers to cross the bridge.
10. Doktor polecił mi ważyć się co tydzień i nie pić alkoholu.
Doctor told me to dare every week and dont`t drink alhocol
11. Kapitan rozkazał załodze opuścić okręt.
Capitan told the crew to leave the ship.
12. Matka poradziła mi, abym nie zapomniał zapakować szczoteczki do zębów.
Mother reminded me to take toothbrush.

Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie i ewentualne wskazanie błędów ;)
masz problem z osobami
np. 1 'nigdy nie spotkalam tego czlowieka' powiedziala kobiet
Kobieta powiedziala, ze nigdy nie spotkalam tego czlowieka.

Z tego powodu musisz poprawic kilka zdan. Chodzi nie tylko o podmioty, ale tez i inne zaimki w środku zdania, również takie jak your
II 8 nie ma wyrazenia 'wondered to know', z daniu wyjsciowym jest blad - eaten, zamiast eat. w odpowiedzi uzyles zlego czasu

tlumaczenia 1 2 3 sa zle. Zle czasowniki lub formy czasownika wprowadzajacego i niestosujesz nastepstwa czasow
w 10 wybrales zle tlumaczenie 'wazyc' ze slownika, no i nie moze byc don't jako wyrazenie zakazu w mowie zaleznej
w innych zdaniach zapominasz o przedimkach i czasem widze bledy ortograficzne: bottle
Dzięki, poprawiłem błędy :) Mógłbyś napisać jeszcze jak powinny wyglądać tłumaczenia 1 2 3? ^^


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia