Opowiadanie :)

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It was year ago, in second semestr of first class. The winter just ended and everyone was waiting for holidays. Trees became green, air was fresh, sun was shining beautiffuly. I was wondering about incoming holidays and things that I'll doing for two sunny, warm months.
And then the tragedy came. I had never been good in maths. And I had never learn it systematic. In the end of April it turned out that I had three negatives grades. I was shocked and really depressed. It was clear for me thai I'll have to learn in holidays. 'My friends will be traveling, swimming, sunbathing... But not me. I'll be learning at home, making calculations and thinking about incoming exam in August.' - I thought. And then I had made a decision that I won't give up! I started to spending all my free time on maths. I had passed my overdue exams. At least I started to receiving a better grades. Maths became my obsession. I was thinking only about it. I stopped meeting with friends. They was trying to prop me up (nie wiem czy to dobre określenie, chodzi o to, że starali się mnie wspierać). My only contact with the world was is school.
Fortunately in the end of June I took away my certificate (też nie wiem, czy to dobre określenie, chodzi o odebranie świadectwa) and passed to the next class. I was feeling incredible. And I have learnt that almost every negative situation can give us chance to change our behavior and the way of thinking. I'm so glad that I had awake early and passed to the next class.

Pozdrawiam i liczę na pomoc, bo błędów jest zapewne wiele.
edytowany przez Joga94: 20 kwi 2013
A co sie stalo z przedimkami (a, an, the). Pojechaly na wakacje? Prosze ich uzywac. Nie jestes zwolniona z tgo.

It was (przedimek) year ago, in (przedimek) second semestr of (przedimek) first 'class' (uzyj 'year'). The winter (cos brak) just ended and everyone was waiting for (przedimek) holidays. (przedimek) trees became green, (przedimek) air was fresh, (przedimek) sun was shining 'beautiffuly' (ortog). I was wondering about (przedimek) 'incoming' (zle slowo) holidays and things that I'll (vcos brak)doing for two sunny, warm months.
'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan przez 'and') then the tragedy came.
'And' (popraw) I had never 'learn' (zle slowo) it 'systematic' (zla czesc mowy). 'In' (zle slowo) the end of April it turned out that I had three 'negatives' (po pierwsz l. poj a drugie, cos to slowo mi sie nie podoba) grades.
It was clear for me 'thai' (ortog) I'll have to 'learn' (daj 'study') (cos brak) 'in' (niepotr ale brak przedimka) holidays.
I'll be learning at home, making calculations and thinking about (przedimek) 'incoming' (zle slowo) exam in August' - I thought. 'And' (popraw) then I had made a decision that I won't give up! I started 'to spending' (nie, albo 'to spend' albo 'spending) all my free time on maths.
At least I started 'to receiving' (jak wyzej, albo jedno albo drugie) 'a' (niepotr) better grades.
'They was' (dlaczego mieszasz l. poj a l. mnoga?) trying to prop me up.
My only contact with the world was 'is' (po co to?) school.
Fortunately 'in' (zle slowo) the end of June I took away' (nie, tutaj to zle myslisz, ma byc 'dostalem-'received') my certificate and passed to the next 'class' (year).
'And' (popraw) I have learnt that almost every negative situation can give us (przedimek) chance to change our behavior and 'the' (dalabym tutaj 'our') way of thinking. I'm so glad that I had 'awake' (zly czas) early and passed to the next 'class' (year).

Dziękuje za odzew i porady. Tak jest lepiej?

It was a year ago, in the second semestr of the first year. The winter had just ended and everyone was waiting for the holidays. The trees became green, the air was fresh, the sun was shining beautifuly. I was wondering about the upcoming holidays and things that I'll be doing for two sunny, warm months.
Then the tragedy came. I had never been good in maths. To be honest, I had never study it systematically. On the end of April it turned out that I had three bad (?) grades.
It was clear for me that I'll have to study during holidays.
'My friends will be traveling, swimming, sunbathing... But not me. I'll be learning at home, making calculations and thinking about the upcoming exam in August' - I thought. Then I had made a decision that I won't give up! I started spending all my free time on maths. I had passed my overdue exams.
At least I started receiving better grades. Maths became my obsession. I was thinking only about it. I stopped meeting with friends. They were trying to prop me up.
My only contact with the world was in school.
Fortunately at the end of June I received my certificate and passed to the next year. I was feeling incredible. I have also learnt that almost every negative situation can give us a chance to change our behavior and our way of thinking. I'm so glad that I had awoke early and passed to the next year.
edytowany przez Joga94: 20 kwi 2013


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