Opowiadanie o zawodach sportowych w trakcie których osoba z publiczności przypadkowo spowodowała sytuację niebezpieczną dla uczest

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At one time the citizens from Boston organised a big competitions in which they willingly took part. There was also a big fan of it, Greg, who unfortunately caused lot of efforts to the sportsmen.
Despite a windy Spring, the weather of that day was favourable, so every person from a crowd was pleasant. Greg was at the age of 13 and despite his young age he dared go alone to cheer the contesters. He had dark hair and a smooth body. He was well-upbringing kid compare to his siblings. Once he took a sit on a tribune, he saw his favourite player. It seemed to him that the player was close so he decided to take a pen and run to him in order to get an autograph. As it turned out that wasn't his idol so Greg god mad. When his madness reached it height he kicked over a barrier which was placed along the runway. At the the same time, the runners were about to run that way, subsequently he felt awkward. It was then that the runners had to stop their run due to blocked runway by moved barrier. In the upshot the runners had to start over their run, whereas the boy was chucked out from the event.
And since then, Greg realised that he should be wiser and definitely more easy-going in the future.
'There was also a big fan of it, Greg' (zrob to inaczej, Greg...), 'who' (niepotr) unfortunately caused 'lot of efforts' (tego nie rozumiem) 'to' FOR the sportsmen.
Despite a windy 'Spring' (mala litera), the weather 'of' FOR that day was favourable, so every person from 'a' THE crowd was 'pleasant.' (to slowo nie za bardzo mi pasuje - poszukj inne). Greg was 'at the age of' (niepotr) 13 and despite his young age he dared TO go alone to cheer the 'contesters' (ortog). He had dark hair and a 'smooth body' (nie, wyobrazam sobiue kogos z 'six pack') . He was well-'upbringing' (zle slowo, tutaj brought-up) kid compare to his siblings. Once he took a 'sit' (zle slowo) on 'a' (zly przedimek) tribune, he saw his favourite player.
As it turned out that wasn't his idol so Greg 'god' (ortog) mad. When his madness reached 'it' (jego-its) height he kicked over a barrier which was placed along the runway. At the the same time, the runners were about to run that way, 'subsequently' (troche zly register) he felt awkward. It was then that the runners had to stop their run due to (przedimek) blocked runway by (przedimek) moved barrier. 'In' (niepotr) The upshot WAS THAT the runners had to 'start over' (chyba myslisz o 'restart') their run, whereas the boy was chucked out from the event.
'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and'-coraz wiecej ludzi to robi, ale jak cos piszesz, to uzywaj jezyk pisemny, a uzywanie 'and' jakos mi przypomina jezyk ustny) since then, Greg realised that he should be wiser and definitely more easy-going in the future.
Dzięki wielkie.
Czy takie zdanie będzie dobrze? At the the same time, the runners were about to run that way, whence he felt awkward. .. w następstwie czego poczuł się niezręcznie. A moze thereupon?
... the weather 'of' FOR that day was favourable, ...
ja bym nic nie wstawil pomiędzy weather i that day.
...go alone to cheer the 'contesters' (ortog).
nie bardzo pasuje do kontekstu, imo.
At one time the citizens from Boston organised a big competitions in...
He was well-'upbringing' (zle slowo, tutaj brought-up) kid compare to his siblings.
1) the weather of that day was favourable, so every person from the crowd was positively attituded.
2) He dared to go alone to cheer the contenders.
3) At one time the Boston citizens organised the big competition
Moze byc?
1. attituded ta forma nie figuruje /przynajmniej w moim/ slowniku i program WORD automagicznie:)) podkresla ze jest niepoprawnie.
2. contender ma polski sens: przeciwnik /uwazasz ze pasuje?/
3. Bledny przedimek dot. competition /pomysl troche/.Tez mogles zmienic FOR na inny przyimek zachowujac ten sam szyk jak w twoim opowiadaniu.
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