wpisz gerund, presetn infinitive,perfect infinitive,active or passive

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zad 1 wpisz gerund, presetn infinitive,perfect infinitive,active or passive

1. Mary came very close to .... a gold medal in the 10 mentres in Paris (win)
2. Most businessmen have now taken to ... a mobile phone with them wheteher they go (carry)
3/ Have you finished .... that essay yet ? (write)
4.He denied ... all about the appointment (forget)
5. She desperately wants .... as his successor (choose)
6. He deserves .... for what he said to her ! (shoot)
7. They do not allow ... in any of the University buildings (smoke)
8. She would never allow him .... his old girlfirend (phone)
9. British Rail regrets ..... that the 8.15 to Oxford will be delayed by up to 20 minutes (announce)
10. He is thought .... befeore the First World War ( be born)
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