Sprawdzenie i pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o pomoc i sprawdzenie kilku zdań.

We ......... (usually/spend) the mornings on the beach.
Tried to windsurf for the first time yesterday, but he ......... (not/have) a good time because..
We ......(already/visit) a lot of interesting places.

Prosba o sprawdzenie w nawiasach czy dalem odpowiednią formę.
Helen often (comes) to work late.
I want to buy some net clothes, but i can't find (something) I like.
This is (Alison's) jumper.
You don't really enjoy football, (you do)?
They (are living) in this neigbourhood for twenty years.
My boss can't talk to you right now. He (has) a meeting.
Tom (didn't enjoy) the party last night.
Don't play the music so loud! You (woke up) the baby.

We ......... (usually/spend) the mornings on the beach.
Tried to windsurf for the first time yesterday, but he ......... (not/have) a good time because..
We ......(already/visit) a lot of interesting places.

Prosba o sprawdzenie w nawiasach czy dalem odpowiednią formę.
Helen often (comes) to work late. OK
I want to buy some net clothes, but i can't find (something NIE W ZDANIACH PRZECZACYCH) I like.
This is (Alison's) jumper. OK
You don't really enjoy football, (you do SZYK)?
They (are living ZLY CZAS) in this neigbourhood for twenty years.
My boss can't talk to you right now. He (has ZLY CZAS, TO SIE DZIEJE TERAZ) a meeting.
Tom (didn't enjoy) the party last night. OK
Don't play the music so loud! You (woke up ZLY CZAS, ALBO PRESENT PERFECT ALBO PRZYSZLY) the baby.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia