Krotkie wypowiedzi ustne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie krótkich wypowiedzi ustnych.

1. The most common problems that may happen on holiday concern transport, when you, for example, have to find the right train or bus. Another problem is finding the right places, for example hotels and tourist sites, and in case of travelling abroad – communicating with foreigners, especially if they don’t speak English and when you don’t know their language.

2. When I was in Zakopane last year, on the last day of my trip I spontaneously decided to try bungee jumping. There was a special crane with the platform at the height of 40 metres. I took me a while to break my mental barrier and jump and during the flight I was absolutely terrified, but still it was a remarkable experience.

3. My favourite travel story is when I got lost in some seaside city on the western coast of Italy. I went there with a group of friends but I went for a walk alone, and later I couldn’t find a way back to the hotel. I took me a while to get there and I had to ask the locals to help me. I have to admit that for a short moment I was really scared but fortunately everything went lukily.

4. If I were to give an advice to foreigners travelling to Poland I would recommend them to look out for thieves and pickpockets, and If someone was going to a large city, I would also recommend to avoid big residential districts with huge blocks of flats, where you can encounter groups of hooligans.

5. I think that if your job is your real hobby to which you are truly dedicated, as in case of successful sportsmen or scientists, you can combine both – living for working and working for living and what I mean by that is that your job may be the thing that gives you great satisfaction in live.

6. The worst job I had was distributing leaflets on a street. I was working for a whole week, it was raining, and everyone was looking down on me and ignoring me like if I was inferior. Besides, after many hours of standing I felt pain in my legs and in the spine.

7. In the future I would like to become an architect or a building engineer and be responsible for construction of splendid, high and modern buildings. Frankly speaking, the chances to make a career in this profession are rather low because architectural companies are rather closed for the people from outside.

8. Because of my school and other activities the busiest day for me now is Wednesday. In order to find time for what I want to do and fill all the tasks I plan everything in advance in my calendar and I divide what I have to do in priorities and things that are less important and can wait.

9. Time is the most precious commodity and it is the one thing that you cannot buy or ever buy back, and going through the motions is the most disadvantageous thing you can do, because the time you lost when you are not productive is a measure of your missed opportunities.

10. I think daylight savings time is a good idea, because it enables for ‘psychological regeneration’ and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, which is also good for the health. Besides, putting clocks one hour forward is only a disposable obstacle.

11. If I had some extra hours of free time I would like to spend them on some physical activities like jogging because it enables to relax and regenerate and unfortunately I don’t have much time for it now. I would also like to read more because now I don’t have as much time for it as I would like to have.

12. I think that what makes ‘a house’ into ‘a home’, are first and foremost the people you live with and the memories you share, because they are specific for a particular place, and when you stay at the hotel during some trip, for example, the place where you sleep is emotionally indifferent to you.

13. Although I don’t very often change the decor I recently moved the furniture. Sometimes I also rearrange the location of things, like books on shelves and what I like to do from time to time is to put some new posters on walls. Generally however, my decor doesn’t change very often.

14. In the future I would like to live in Norway because I think it is a perfect place to live. People there are very kind, it is a safe and calm place with a very clean environment and beautiful landscapes. Additionally, although Norway is a small country it is rich, so if you have a job you can really afford to buy.

15. My clothes express my style and although I like nice things which I find attractive I am not a fashion victim and current trends are for me less important than my own style. I like to wear clothes that I think reflect who I am. All in all however, I like to have nice clothes and look cool.

16. First I would feel surprised and irritated but after all I would simply change the place where I would like to go, especially if it was a choice of a club or pub to go out with friends. If it was some formal event, however, like a concert in an opera and I had tickets I would feel furious and talk to the manager. Fortunately, I never had such problems.

17. I can partially agree because the clothes you choose reflect your personal style and attitude toward the others, but judging people by what they wear can be very misleading, and sometimes you can form a wrong opinion. Nevertheless, most people have a tendency to classify others on the basis of what they are wearing, which can sometimes be very misleading.

18. I would describe my style as semi-formal, but sometimes I also wear sport clothes. I would also say that it is stylish but individualistic, slightly reserved, and a little bit toned-down. All in all however it is difficult to describe.

19. When it comes to the choice of job or career my family doesn’t put a pressure on me and I have a relative freedom of choice, but when it comes to everyday activities like studying, cleaning or tidying the room they often tell me what to do, like for example before exams I constantly hear that I should study more, which sometimes is quite irritating.

20. I think that usually a mother is a better “stay at home parent” than a father, especially in case of infants, but when children become older a father can also look after them as well as a mother can. Nevertheless, it is usually mother who is responsible for looking after children.
1. ok
2. ok
3. I went there with a group of friends but I went for a walk alone, and later I couldn’t find 'a' (zly przedimek) way back to the hotel. 'I (ortog)' took me a while to get there and I had to ask the locals to help me. I have to admit that for a short moment I was really scared but fortunately everything went 'lukily' (to slowo nie istnieje jeszcze...daj cos innego)

4. If I were to give 'an' (niepotr) advice to foreigners travelling to Poland I would recommend them to look out for thieves and pickpockets, and If someone was going to a large city, I would also recommend to avoid big residential districts with huge blocks of flats, where you can encounter groups of hooligans.

5. I think that if your job is your real hobby to which you are truly dedicated, as in case of successful sportsmen or scientists, you can combine both – living for working and working for living and what I mean by that is that your job may be the thing that gives you great satisfaction in (cos brak) 'live' (tutaj musisz dac rzeczownik a nie czasownik).

6. The worst job I had was distributing leaflets 'on' (da dalabym IN) a street.

7. ok

8. 'Because' (nie zacxzynaj zdsan z 'because') of my school and other activities the busiest day for me now is Wednesday.

9. Time is the most precious commodity and it is the one thing that you cannot buy or ever buy back, and going through the motions is the most disadvantageous thing you can do, because the time you 'lost' (zle slowo) when you are not productive is a measure of your missed opportunities.

10. ok

11. If I had some extra hours of free time I would like to spend them on some physical activities like jogging because it enables (ale komu) to relax and regenerate and unfortunately I don’t have much time for it now.

12. ok
13. ok

14. Additionally, although Norway is a small country it is rich, so if you have a job you can really afford to buy (ale co...musisz napisac).

15. ok

16. Fortunately, I HAVE never had such problems.

17. ok
18. ok

19. When it comes to the choice of job or career my family doesn’t put 'a' (niepotr) pressure on me and I have a relative freedom of choice, but when it comes to everyday activities like studying, cleaning or tidying the room they often tell me what to do, like for example before exams I constantly hear that I should study more, which sometimes is quite irritating.

20. ok, ale dalabym..looking after THE children..
4. ...I would recommend THAT THEY them to look out /or recommend looking out/.... , imo.
Cytat: fui_eu
4. ...I would recommend THAT THEY them to look out /or recommend looking out/.... , imo.

Tak, masz racje, chociaz niekiedy to 'them' tez mozna uslyszec.
1. The most common problems that may happen on holiday concern transport, when you, for example, have to find the right train or bus. Another problem is finding the right places, for example hotels and tourist sites, and in case of travelling abroad – communicating with foreigners, especially if they don’t speak English and when you don’t know their language.

2. When I was in Zakopane last year, on the last day of my trip I spontaneously decided to try bungee jumping. There was a special crane with the platform at the height of 40 metres. It took me a while to break my mental barrier and jump and during the flight I was absolutely terrified, but still it was a remarkable experience.

3. My favourite travel story is when I got lost in some seaside city on the western coast of Italy. I went there with a group of friends but I went for a walk alone, and later I couldn’t find the way back to the hotel. I took me a while to get there and I had to ask the locals to help me. I have to admit that for a short moment I was really scared but fortunately everything went luckily.

4. If I were to give advice to foreigners travelling to Poland I would recommend they to look out for thieves and pickpockets, and If someone was going to a large city, I would also recommend to avoid big residential districts with huge blocks of flats, where you can encounter groups of hooligans.

5. I think that if your job is your real hobby to which you are truly dedicated, as in case of successful sportsmen or scientists, you can combine both – living for working and working for living and what I mean by that is that your job may be the thing that gives you great satisfaction in our life.

6. The worst job I had was distributing leaflets in a street. I was working for a whole week, it was raining, and everyone was looking down on me and ignoring me like if I was inferior. Besides, after many hours of standing I felt pain in my legs and in the spine.

7. In the future I would like to become an architect or a building engineer and be responsible for construction of splendid, high and modern buildings. Frankly speaking, the chances to make a career in this profession are rather low because architectural companies are rather closed for the people from outside.

8. Because of my school and other activities the busiest day for me now is Wednesday. In order to find time for what I want to do and fill all the tasks I plan everything in advance in my calendar and I divide what I have to do in priorities and things that are less important and can wait.

9. Time is the most precious commodity and it is the one thing that you cannot buy or ever buy back, and going through the motions is the most disadvantageous thing you can do, because the time you lost when you are not productive is a measure of your missed opportunities.

10. I think daylight savings time is a good idea, because it enables for ‘psychological regeneration’ and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, which is also good for the health. Besides, putting clocks one hour forward is only a disposable obstacle.

11. If I had some extra hours of free time I would like to spend them on some physical activities like jogging because it enables me to relax and regenerate and unfortunately I don’t have much time for it now. I would also like to read more because now I don’t have as much time for it as I would like to have.

12. I think that what makes ‘a house’ into ‘a home’, are first and foremost the people you live with and the memories you share, because they are specific for a particular place, and when you stay at the hotel during some trip, for example, the place where you sleep is emotionally indifferent to you.

13. Although I don’t very often change the decor I recently moved the furniture. Sometimes I also rearrange the location of things, like books on shelves and what I like to do from time to time is to put some new posters on walls. Generally however, my decor doesn’t change very often.

14. In the future I would like to live in Norway because I think it is a perfect place to live. People there are very kind, it is a safe and calm place with a very clean environment and beautiful landscapes. Additionally, although Norway is a small country it is rich, so if you have a job you can really afford to buy a lot of things.

15. My clothes express my style and although I like nice things which I find attractive I am not a fashion victim and current trends are for me less important than my own style. I like to wear clothes that I think reflect who I am. All in all however, I like to have nice clothes and look cool.

16. First I would feel surprised and irritated but after all I would simply change the place where I would like to go, especially if it was a choice of a club or pub to go out with friends. If it was some formal event, however, like a concert in an opera and I had tickets I would feel furious and talk to the manager. Fortunately, I have never had such problems.

17. I can partially agree because the clothes you choose reflect your personal style and attitude toward the others, but judging people by what they wear can be very misleading, and sometimes you can form a wrong opinion. Nevertheless, most people have a tendency to classify others on the basis of what they are wearing, which can sometimes be very misleading.

18. I would describe my style as semi-formal, but sometimes I also wear sport clothes. I would also say that it is stylish but individualistic, slightly reserved, and a little bit toned-down. All in all however it is difficult to describe.

19. When it comes to the choice of job or career my family doesn’t put pressure on me and I have a relative freedom of choice, but when it comes to everyday activities like studying, cleaning or tidying the room they often tell me what to do, like for example before exams I constantly hear that I should study more, which sometimes is quite irritating.

20. I think that usually a mother is a better “stay at home parent” than a father, especially in case of infants, but when children become older a father can also look after them as well as a mother can. Nevertheless, it is usually mother who is responsible for looking after the children.
Poprawiłam błędy jednak wydaje mik się że jeszcze coś może być nie tak-bardzo proszę o jeszcze jedna analize (proszę pamiętać ze to jest odpowiedz ustna a nie esej)
I couldn’t find the way back to the hotel > może my lepiej?
everything went luckily > dziwne
I would recommend they to look > tak nie
as in __ case of successful sportsmen
fill all the tasks
only a disposable obstacle > może minor lepiej?
specific for a particular place
tidying the room > my?
it is usually mother > tak nie
Pierwsze zdanie w wypowiedzi #1. problems don't happen;), przynajmniej nie w tym kontekscie, imo.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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