Krotkie wypowiedzi ustne

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21. I think that gender roles are less strictly defined in Poland than it was for example 30 years ago, and it is a general, global trend, maybe with the exception for Islamic countries. When it comes to professional life I think that hard physical labour, like mining or working on oil platforms, will always be a domain of men, as women are not adapted to it, so in some cases the division between ‘man’s work’ and ‘woman’s work’ is a good idea.

22. My opinion is that men are more competitive by nature and more determined when it comes to achieving their goals, and they also tend to be more ‘tough’, and what I mean by that is that it is not in their nature to whine and pity themselves, because for them it is embarrassing. They also usually want to be strong, not only physically but psychologically as well. These behaviours are rather natural, but there are also others which are learned and instilled by society.

23. I think that the most important discoveries of the 20th century was the discovery of DNA code and of the inner structure of atoms. When it comes to inventions I would say that the most important ones were instant data-transmission devices like phone, radio, TV and eventually internet because these things changed the live of people and our civilisation in the greatest way.

24. My opinion is that we will rather see improvements of older inventions in our lifetime than the entire new technologies and that the most significant discoveries we may expect to see are medicines to such serious diseases as AIDS or cancer. I realize, however, that I may be wrong.

25. There are several advantages of knowing the second language, such as the ability to communicate with foreigners, to travel and to make business. Additionally, especially in case of people who don’t know English, learning a second language gives an access to knowledge. Another point is that by learning a second language you also understand your own one and widen your perspective as each language describes things in a slightly different manner. When it comes to disadvantages I don’t see any, maybe besides that you have to put a lot of time and effort to master a second language.

26. When it comes to Polish it has one particular advantage over other languages, and English in particular, and that is the fact that spelling is always clear, unambiguous and consistent, and in English it often happens that the way you write and the way you say a given word are not consistent, and you often have to wonder what is the right spelling. It often causes mistakes in texts.

27. I think that the idea of one universal, artificial language is nice in theory, but it is completely wrong in practical terms, and history shows that although there were many attempts to introduce different artificial languages all of them failed because artificial languages exist out of everyday context and culture and, additionally, the languages like Esperanto are not native to anyone.

28. My opinion is that education is a right because everyone should have an opportunity to learn and develop their potential and that everyone should have an access to knowledge gathered and accumulated within centuries by scholars and scientists. I also think that everyone should have this right, irrespective of their social background, financial situation or whatever.

29. The most important things that parents can teach their children are the values and proper features of character, because acquiring proper attitudes and behaviour contribute to your life and who you are to the greatest degree.

30. I think the good aspects of my education were that I had a variety of different subjects and extra classes so I could widen my knowledge and understanding of different things and to decide what is interesting for me. Additionally at school I had an opportunity to meet interesting people and to test myself. When it comes to bad aspects I think I spent a lot of time learning some things that were not useful at all and that I had no intention of learning, like for example calculating mole mass at chemistry classes.

31. Many people complain about Polish education because the methods it uses are not modern and not the most effective and because educational content that students have to acquire is not practical. I think however, that Polish teenagers and university students have much greater knowledge than their peers from some western countries like USA or Britain and what is also important is that in many Asian, South American or African countries people don’t have an access to public education at all so we should appreciate more the fact that we have such opportunities.

32. The difference between high and low culture is not about form it has but rather about the content and manner of expression. When you look at contemporary pop music, for example, it is easy to notice that it is simple, unsophisticated and focused on primitive issues, and, to be honest, it is simply dumb. High culture on the other hand is sophisticated and intellectual. I like to be ‘cultured’ and explore different things because it gives me an opportunity to explore and develop my personality.

33. The worst feature of TV in Poland is that it is overwhelmed by silly soap-operas, serials and the so-called talent shows. What I also find really annoying and irritating is that there are so many commercials that if you watch a film every 30 minutes there is a 10 minute break for commercials. When it comes to films they are also not the new ones. One positive feature of Polish TV I can think of are documentary movies, which however, are not very common and not present at all channels.

34. If I could change anything about my culture I would make it less commercial materialistic and more individualistic (in a true sense) and focused on not-material values, because I think we live in a world where people are treated as market products.

35. I can honestly say that I feel proud of Polish cultural and historical heritage. Although the contribution of Poland to the European history is often underestimated, if it was not for Poland the history of Europe would be completely different. Additionally a lot of outstanding artists and scientists were of Polish origin, like for example, Copernicus, Maria Curie or Chopin.

36. My favourite form of entertainment is reading and watching documentary movies. How much time I spend on it depends on how much time I have, but generally I read about 10 hours per week. Although it is a form of entertainment for me after a long while of reading I also feel tired so in the meantime I also like do have some physical activities, like jogging for example.

21. I think that gender roles are less strictly defined in Poland than 'it was' (to ma sie zgadzac z 'gender roles) for example 30 years ago, and it is 'a'(niepotr) generalLY A global trend, maybe with the exception for Islamic countries. When it comes to professional life I think that hard physical labour, like mining or working on oil platforms, will always be 'a' (zly przedimek) domain of men, as women are not adapted to it, so in some cases the division between ‘man’s work’ and ‘woman’s work’ is a good idea.

22. These behaviours are 'rather' (nie, jest slowo 'inate' - sprawdz w slowniku, tutaj 'inately') natural, but there are also others which are learned and instilled by society.

23. ...inventions I would say that the most important ones were instant data-transmission devices like (przedimek) 'phone' (napisz w calosci, bo nikt nie wynalazl 'phone'), radio, 'TV' (w calosci) and eventually (przedimek) internet because these things changed the 'live'(tutaj l. mnoga) of people and 'our' (nie pisz 'our' w tym sensie - tutaj nie mozesz sie odnosci do calego swiata, jak chcesz to mozesz napisac Western) civilisation in the greatest way.

24. My opinion is that we will rather see improvements of older inventions in our lifetime than the entire new technologies and that the most significant discoveries we may expect to see are medicines 'to' FOR such serious diseases as AIDS or cancer.

25. There are several advantages of knowing 'the' (zly przedimek) second language, such as the ability to communicate with foreigners, to travel and to 'make' (zle slowo, daj to opdiwiednie) business.
Another point is that by learning a second language you also understand your own 'one' (niepotr, zle napisz 'better') and widen your perspective as each language describes 'things' (dsaj wiecej academickie slowo) in a slightly different manner. When it comes to disadvantages I don’t see any, maybe besides (the one) that you have to put a lot of time and effort to master a second language.

26. ok

27. I think that the idea of one universal, artificial language is nice in theory, but it is completely wrong in practical terms, and history shows that although there were many attempts to introduce different artificial languages all of them failed because artificial languages exist out of everyday context and culture and, additionally, the languages 'like' SUCH AS Esperanto are not native to anyone.

28. I also think that everyone should have this right, irrespective of their social background, financial situation or 'whatever' (co to niby ma znaczyc?....czy ma zielone oczy, blond wlosy?).

29. The most important things that parents can teach their children are the values and 'proper' (nie, nie uzywaj takich slow - bo one znacza cos innego dla kazdego, jest slowo 'appropriate') features of character, because acquiring 'proper' (no niby jakie sa 'improper' - nie uzywaj slow ktore nic nie znacza) attitudes and behaviour contribute to your life and who you are to the greatest degree.

30. ok

31. I think however, that Polish teenagers and university students have much greater knowledge than their peers from some western countries like (cos brak) USA or Britain and what is also important is that in many Asian, South American or African countries people don’t have an access to public education at all so we should appreciate 'more' (ja dalabym 'greatly') the fact that we have such opportunities.

32. The difference between high and low culture is not about (cos brak) form it has but rather about the content and manner of expression.

33. What I also find really annoying and irritating is that there are so many commercials that if you watch a film every 30 minutes OR SO there is a 10 minute break for commercials. When it comes to films they are also not the 'new' (jest takie slowo 'latest') ones.

34. If I could change anything about my culture I would make it less commercial materialistic and more individualistic (in a true sense) and focused 'on not-materia' (daj to inaczej...NOT on material) values, because I think we live in a world where people are treated as market products.

35. Although the contribution of Poland to the European history is often underestimated, 'if it was not' (daj to inaczej...had it not been) for Poland the history of Europe would be completely different.

36. Although it is a form of entertainment for me after a long while of reading I also feel tired so in the meantime I also like do 'have' (dalabym 'do') some physical activities, like jogging for example.

26. Nie powinno byc jeszcze jedno IT gdzies tam w pierwszym zdaniu?
30. ok
Cytat: fui_eu
30. ok

mnie sie wydaje ze tak...ale
Cytat: terri
Cytat: fui_eu
30. ok

mnie sie wydaje ze tak...ale
urywek ... to decide ...... tak sie rozpoczal 'ni stąd, ni zowąd'
21. I think that gender roles are less strictly defined in Poland than it was for example 30 years ago, and it is general, global trend, maybe with the exception for Islamic countries. When it comes to professional life I think that hard physical labour, like mining or working on oil platforms, will always be the domain of men, as women are not adapted to it, so in some cases the division between ‘man’s work’ and ‘woman’s work’ is a good idea.

22. My opinion is that men are more competitive by nature and more determined when it comes to achieving their goals, and they also tend to be more ‘tough’, and what I mean by that is that it is not in their nature to whine and pity themselves, because for them it is embarrassing. They also usually want to be strong, not only physically but psychologically as well. These behaviours are rather inately, but there are also others which are learned and instilled by society.

23. I think that the most important discoveries of the 20th century was the discovery of DNA code and of the inner structure of atoms. When it comes to inventions I would say that the most important ones were instant data-transmission devices like telephone, radio, TV and eventually the internet because these things changed the live of people and Western civilisation in the greatest way.

24. My opinion is that we will rather see improvements of older inventions in our lifetime than the entire new technologies and that the most significant discoveries we may expect to see are medicines for such serious diseases as AIDS or cancer. I realize, however, that I may be wrong.

25. There are several advantages of knowing a second language, such as the ability to communicate with foreigners, to travel and to do business. Additionally, especially in case of people who don’t know English, learning a second language gives an access to knowledge. Another point is that by learning a second language you also understand your own better and widen your perspective as each language describes things in a slightly different manner. When it comes to disadvantages I don’t see any, maybe besides the one that you have to put a lot of time and effort to master a second language.

26. When it comes to Polish it has one particular advantage over other languages, and English in particular, and that is the fact that spelling is always clear, unambiguous and consistent, and in English it often happens that the way you write and the way you say a given word are not consistent, and you often have to wonder what is the right spelling. It often causes mistakes in texts.

27. I think that the idea of one universal, artificial language is nice in theory, but it is completely wrong in practical terms, and history shows that although there were many attempts to introduce different artificial languages all of them failed because artificial languages exist out of everyday context and culture and, additionally, the languages such as Esperanto are not native to anyone.

28. My opinion is that education is a right because everyone should have an opportunity to learn and develop their potential and that everyone should have an access to knowledge gathered and accumulated within centuries by scholars and scientists. I also think that everyone should have this right, irrespective of their social background, financial situation etc.

29. The most important things that parents can teach their children are the values and appropriate features of character, because acquiring appropriate attitudes and behaviour contribute to your life and who you are to the greatest degree.

30. I think the good aspects of my education were that I had a variety of different subjects and extra classes so I could widen my knowledge and understanding of different things and to decide what is interesting for me. Additionally at school I had an opportunity to meet interesting people and to test myself. When it comes to bad aspects I think I spent a lot of time learning some things that were not useful at all and that I had no intention of learning, like for example calculating mole mass at chemistry classes.

31. Many people complain about Polish education because the methods it uses are not modern and not the most effective and because educational content that students have to acquire is not practical. I think however, that Polish teenagers and university students have much greater knowledge than their peers from some western countries like the USA or Britain and what is also important is that in many Asian, South American or African countries people don’t have an access to public education at all so we should appreciate greatly the fact that we have such opportunities.

32. The difference between high and low culture is not about the form it has but rather about the content and manner of expression. When you look at contemporary pop music, for example, it is easy to notice that it is simple, unsophisticated and focused on primitive issues, and, to be honest, it is simply dumb. High culture on the other hand is sophisticated and intellectual. I like to be ‘cultured’ and explore different things because it gives me an opportunity to explore and develop my personality.

33. The worst feature of TV in Poland is that it is overwhelmed by silly soap-operas, serials and the so-called talent shows. What I also find really annoying and irritating is that there are so many commercials that if you watch a film every 30 minutes or so there is a 10 minute break for commercials. When it comes to films they are also not the latest ones. One positive feature of Polish TV I can think of are documentary movies, which however, are not very common and not present at all channels.

34. If I could change anything about my culture I would make it less commercial materialistic and more individualistic (in a true sense) and focused not on material values, because I think we live in a world where people are treated as market products.

35. I can honestly say that I feel proud of Polish cultural and historical heritage. Although the contribution of Poland to the European history is often underestimated, had it not been for Poland the history of Europe would be completely different. Additionally a lot of outstanding artists and scientists were of Polish origin, like for example, Copernicus, Maria Curie or Chopin.

36. My favourite form of entertainment is reading and watching documentary movies. How much time I spend on it depends on how much time I have, but generally I read about 10 hours per week. Although it is a form of entertainment for me after a long while of reading I also feel tired so in the meantime I also like do some physical activities, like jogging for example.
Poprawiłam błędy jednak wydaje mik się że jeszcze coś może być nie tak-bardzo proszę o jeszcze jedna analize (proszę pamiętać ze to jest odpowiedz ustna a nie esej)
21. I think that gender roles are less strictly defined in Poland than it was (THAN THEY WERE) for example 30 years ago, and it is (przedimek) general, global trend, maybe with the exception for (OF) Islamic countries.

22.They also usually want to be strong, not only physically but psychologically (lepiej: MENTALLY) as well. These behaviours are rather inately (masz na myśli: INNATE?), but there are also others which are learned and instilled by society.

23. I think that the most important discoveries of the 20th century was (WERE)
because these things changed (raczej Pres. Perfect) the live (LIVES) of people and Western civilisation in the greatest way.

24. My opinion is that we will (WOULD) rather see

25. Additionally, especially in (przedimek) case of people who don’t know English, learning a second language gives an access to knowledge. Another point is that by learning a second language you also understand your own (??? YOUR OWN WHAT?) better and widen your perspective as each language describes things in a slightly different manner. When it comes to disadvantages I don’t see any, maybe besides the one that you have to put a lot of time and effort to master (INTO + -ING) a second language.

26. and you often have to wonder what is the right spelling IS

27. and history shows that although there were many attempts to introduce different artificial languages all of them failed because - jak do tej pory się nie powiodły, więc raczej Pres. Perfect, ale to tylko moje zdanie. Jeśli chcesz podkreślić, że te próby to już zamknięty rozdział w historii, to zostaw "FAILED"

28. have an access to knowledge

31. because (przedimek) educational content that students have to acquire is not practical
access - jak wyżej
we should appreciate greatly the fact - szyk: GREATLY APPRECIATE

32. W ostatnim zdaniu powtarzasz "explore" - może jakiś synonim?

33. The worst feature of TV in Poland is that it is overwhelmed by (SWAMPED BY?) silly soap-operas, serials and the so-called talent shows.
documentary movies, which however, are not very common and not present at (SHOWN ON) all channels.

34 I would make it less commercial, (LESS) materialistic
focused not on material values, because - jeśli chesz zostać przy "focused not on A)", to trzeba wstawić, "BUT B)". Albo: NOT AS FOCUSED on material values, because...

35 the contribution of Poland to the European history - POLAND'S CONTRIBUTION TO
Maria - MARIE

36 How much (lepiej: THE AMOUNT OF, żeby nie powtarzać) time I spend on it depends on how much time I have, but generally I read (FOR) about 10 hours per week.
in the meantime I also like (czegoś brak) do some physical activities
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie