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Będę bardzo wdzięczna, jeśli ktoś mi sprawdzi list.

Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust. I'm very happy that you have faith for in me. You can always count on me. When I was reading your letter I was very startled.
I think online relationship maybe be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, never don't know who is other person. Maybe he is handsome teenager? But maybe he is ugly older man? Perhps he is pervert?!
However, there are many arguments to meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, nobody your not assess the look. You don''t have to look good and have very time. You don't have make up and buy beautiful clothes. Secondly, always you can break up online relationship.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because never don't know who is your friend in online relationship, but cheer up! If you ask me you can your boy is interesting person. Don't forget about the real world. I think you shall do well.
Good luck!

Mam nadzieję, że da się coś zrozumieć z tego tekstu, chociaż zdaję sobie sprawę, że jest tu mnóstwo błędów gramatycznych:(
Bardzo proszę o pomoc
Np...''because never don't know who is your friend''..because YOU NEVER KNOW who is your friend.
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 10 paź 2013
because you never know who your friend really is

I shall abstain from correcting not to be scolded by the master aka mg ; )
Dziękuję;) a reszta błędów?
Cytat: martusiak72
Dziękuję;) a reszta błędów?
faith for in me > trzeba się na coś zdecydować
online relationship > mnoga licz. może?
maybe be > ?
nobody your not assess the look > ???
never don't know who is other person > ?
and have very time > ??
always you can break up > polski szyk

no i przedimki..., słusznie podpowiada fui eu
...there are many arguments to meeting new people on the internet.
Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust. I'm very happy that you have faith for me. You can always count on me. When I was reading your a letter I was very startled.
I think online relationships maybe be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, never don't know who is other person. Maybe he is a handsome teenager? But maybe he is a ugly older man? Perhps he is a pervert?!
However, there are many arguments to meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, nobody your not assess the look. You don''t have to look good and have very time. You don't have make up and buy a beautiful clothes. Secondly, always you can break up online relationships.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because sou never know who is your friend really is, but cheer up! If you ask me you can your boy is an interesting person. Don't forget about the real world. I think you shall do well.
Good luck!
Spróbowałam trochę to jeszcze poprawić, humpetej mógłbyś mi napisać co nie tak z tymi zdaniamy? Bo przy częściach zdań wstawiłeś znaki zapytania, domyślam się, że są tak źle sformułowane, że nie wiesz o co mi chodziło. Dałoby się jakoś mnie bardziej naprowadzić co mam w nich zmienić? ...there are many arguments to meeting new people on the internet.-a w tym zdaniu co jest nie tak?
Może napiszę co chciałam zawrzeć w tych zdaniach:
Firstly, nobody your not assess the look- Po pierwsze, nikt nie będzie oceniać cię po wyglądzie
never don't know who is other person- Nigdy nie wiadomo kim jest dana osoba
and have very time- I masz więcej czasu
always you can break up- a tu co powinnam zmienić?
..there are many arguments to meeting new people on the internet.- istnieje wiele argumentów do poznawania nowych ludzi przez internet

Jeśli to za duży problem to i tak dziękuje, ale jakby ktoś mi to jeszcze poprawił albo jeszcze troche nakierował to bym była bardzo wdzięczna. Chyba za bardzo polskim się kieruję pisząc takie rzeczy, a nie bardzo wiem jakiego czasu mogłabym użyć żeby było lepiej i jakoś bardziej gramatycznie

edytowany przez martusiak72: 10 paź 2013
arguments for /in favor of/ online dating
arguments against ...
that you have faith for me > zła decyzja

your a letter > tu akurat nie
a ugly older man > samogłoska, więc...
buy a beautiful clothes > tutaj też nie

bez powtórki z przedimków się nie obędzie...

Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust. I'm very happy that you have faith in me. You can always count on me. When I was reading your letter I was very startled.
I think online relationships maybe be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, never don't know who is other person. Maybe he is a handsome teenager? But maybe he is an ugly older man? Perhps he is a pervert?!
However, there are many arguments for to meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, nobody your not assess the look. You don''t have to look good and have very time. You don't have make up and buy beautiful clothes. Secondly, always you can break up online relationships.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because sou never know who is your friend really is, but cheer up! If you ask me you can your boy is an interesting person. Don't forget about the real world. I think you shall do well.
Good luck!

Coś jeszcze poprawić?
maybe be
never don't know who
arguments for to meeting
nobody your not assess the look
have very time
You don't have make up
always you can break up
sou never know
you can your boy is an interesting person

za dużo nie poprawiłaś...

Cytat: humpetej
maybe be
never don't know who
arguments for to meeting
nobody your not assess the look
have very time
You don't have make up
always you can break up
sou never know
you can your boy is an interesting person

za dużo nie poprawiłaś...

Te wszystkie zdania są złe? Pomożesz coś zmienić?
tak patrzę na te zdania i chyba widzę co robisz. tłumaczysz słowo po słowie.

never don't know who is other person- Nigdy nie wiadomo kim jest dana osoba > próbuj

and have very time- I masz więcej czasu > very to jest więcej?

maybe be > może (ale nie to może...) być

arguments for to meeting > ?

You don't have make up > "nie masz makijażu"

sou never know > who's sou?

you can your boy is > ...?

always you can break up- a tu co powinnam zmienić? > szyk
How are you? Thank you for your trust. I'm very happy that you have faith in me. You can always count on me. When I was reading your letter I was very startled.
I think online relationships PERHAPS be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, never don't know who is other person. Maybe he is a handsome teenager? But maybe he is an ugly older man? Perhps he is a pervert?!
However, there are many arguments (bez for może być?) to meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, nobody your not assess the look. You don''t have to look good and have MORE time. Sou MUST don't have make up and buy beautiful clothes. Secondly, YOU CAN ALWAYS BRAKE UP (tak lepiej?) online relationships.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because sou never know who is your friend really is, but cheer up! Don't forget about the real world. I think you shall do well.
Good luck!

nobody your not assess the look- a co tutaj jest źle?

you can your boy is- możesz mi to zmienić?
never don't know who is other person- i to?
Czy poczekasz aż sama wpadne na dobre myślenie?
edytowany przez martusiak72: 10 paź 2013
you can always break up from ,..eventually end up on-line relationship ;)
When I was reading your letter > może po prostu read?
I was very startled. > startled czyli ...?
PERHAPS be > may, a szkoda, bo wcześniej byłaś bliżej
Secondly, never don't know > kto?
know who is other person > na początku zasugerowano ci lepsze konstrukcje dla b. podobnego zdania
Perhps > ort.
many arguments (bez for może być?) to meeting > nie, tak nie. fui eu napisał ci jak ma być
Sou MUST don't have make up > z tym jest coraz gorzej. co to ma znaczyć? i kto to jest sou?
YOU CAN ALWAYS BRAKE UP (tak lepiej?) > zdecydowanie
because sou never know > znowu ta/ten? sou
nobody your not assess the look- a co tutaj jest źle? > właściwie wszystko. napisz to zdanie od początku
you can your boy is- możesz mi to zmienić? > ale ja nie rozumiem co to znaczy w ogóle
You cannot have make up ,... make up is something you can wear ; .
Sou MUST don't have make up and buy beautiful clothes.

You don't have to put on make up or wear nice clothes.
Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust, I'm very happy that you have faith FOR me. You can always count on me. When I was READ your letter I was very startled. (byłam bardzo zaskoczona)
I think online relationshipS MAY be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, YOU NEVER (tak?) know who is other person. Maybe is A handsome teenager but maybe is AN ugle older man? PerhAps he is a pervert?
However, there are many arguments FOR meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, NOBODY FOR ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. (nikogo w relacjach internetowych nie obchodzi jak wyglądasz)- najchętniej bym już to zdanie wykreśliła, ale musze mieć pierwszy argument. You don't have to look good and have MORE time. You don't have to PUT on make-up or WEAR NICE clother. (haha, z tym makijażem to dobre, po Polsku też mówię, tak nie poprawnie to ja nie wiem jak mam po angielsku umieć) Secondly, YOU CAN ALWAYS BREAK UP from online relationshipS.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because YOU never know who is your friend REALLY IS in online relationshipS, but cheer up and don't forget about the real world! I think you shall do well.
Good luck!

uff, czekam na dalsze wskazówki. I dziękuje bardzo za wszystkie zmiany, już może nie jest tak tragicznie...
happy that you have faith FOR me > już było dobrze i z powrotem jest źle? dlaczego?
When I was READ > powtórka z czasów...
who is other person > tak nie
Maybe is A handsome teenager > to nie tak było chyba? czemu to zmieniasz?
clother > ort
po Polsku też mówię, tak nie poprawnie > ort.
BREAK UP from online relationshipS

Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust, I'm very happy that you have faith in me. You can always count on me. When I was reading your letter I was very startled. (sam napisałeś: "When I was reading your letter > może po prostu read?", wywnioskowałam z tego, że ma być samo read, a nie reading, ale jak widać jestem tępa i źle zrozumiałam coś)
I think online relationshipS MAY be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, YOU NEVER (tak?) know who is other person. Maybe is handsome teenager but maybe is AN ugle older man? PerhAps he is a pervert?
However, there are many arguments FOR meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, NOBODY FOR ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. (nikogo w relacjach internetowych nie obchodzi jak wyglądasz)- najchętniej bym już to zdanie wykreśliła, ale musze mieć pierwszy argument. You don't have to look good and have MORE time. You don't have to PUT on make-up or WEAR NICE clothes. Secondly, YOU CAN ALWAYS BREAK UP online relationshipS.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because YOU never know who is your friend REALLY IS in online relationshipS, but cheer up and don't forget about the real world! I think you shall do well.
Good luck!

who is other person > tak nie- a zdradzisz jak?
NOBODY FOR ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. > oj nie, to NIC nie znaczy...- zamiast tego czegoś pomożesz wymyślić coś "znaczącego"?
Zamiast tego:Firstly, NOBODY FOR ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. (nikogo w relacjach internetowych nie obchodzi jak wyglądasz)- najchętniej bym już to zdanie wykreśliła, ale musze mieć pierwszy argument. You don't have to look good and have MORE time. You don't have to PUT on make-up or WEAR NICE clothes.

Może być tak? I think it's worth knowing include the internet, because you can meet a lot of interesting people. Of course, we can also find the person who will one day be someone important to us.
edytowany przez martusiak72: 11 paź 2013
who is other person > tak nie- a zdradzisz jak? > szyk musisz przestawić i brakuje przedimka

I think it's worth knowing include the internet > niezrozumiałe

Może takie zdanie cię zainspiruje: “Life doesn't care what you look like or where you come from; it's not here to judge you…”

sam napisałeś: "When I was reading your letter > może po prostu read?"
owszem, ale zauważ, że nie napisałem "was read"...
powtórka z czasów. nie wykręcisz się.

Maybe is handsome > ale kto?
ugle older > ort

Jest już lepiej. Skup się i popraw to co masz.
Secondly, never don't know who a other person is. - tak?

Jak myslisz? Dobry przedimek w tym zdaniu?
Dear Ania
How are you? Thank you for your trust, I'm very happy that you have faith in me. You can always count on me. When I read your letter I was very startled.
I think online relationships may be very dangerous. Firstly, some people can lie to us. Secondly, you never know who other THE? person is. Your new friend in the internet maybe is handsome teenager but maybe is an ugly older man? Perhaps he is a pervert?
However, there are many arguments for meeting new people on the internet. Firstly, people of the internet doesn't care what you look like. You don't have to look good and have more time. You don't have to put on make-up or wear nice clothes. Secondly, you can always break up online relationshipS.
In my opinion you must be cautious, because you never know who is your friend really is in online relationships, but cheer up and don't forget about the real world! I think you shall do well.
Good luck!
edytowany przez martusiak72: 11 paź 2013
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 11 paź 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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