All parents always have a problem of reconciling work and childcare. I strongly believe that a part-time job is the best option for someone wo is a working parents.
In the first place, they have more time, which they may spend with their childrens. For example they may help them in homework or play with them. Childrens will be better marks, may develop their talent. Moreover childrens, who are quarted by their parents do not fall into the wrong crowd.
Furthermore, parents less pay for kindergarden. They save money and they may spend it on toys for childrens, holidays or new household appliances. What is more, they may put this money on the account. When their children will be adult, he will have money on start in adult life.
On the other hand, part-time job is less pay than full-time job. Parents would have a problem with money. It would can by too little on life, so parents sometimes have to refuse children’s craving. Moreover, in the future they wll have low retirement, so difficult will be help their family.
Taking everything into account, part-time job is good solution for working parents. They have mor time for childrens. They earn money not reglecting their children.
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edytowany przez RealistaxDDD: 31 paź 2013