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Adresu itp. tu nie pisze więc zaczne od pisania :

Dear Madame

I am writing to apply for the job babysitter which I saw advertisted on website.

I'm sincerely Interested in this jon offer , for I believe I can excel in it.

I always spent time with children and took cared about them , not just about my younger family but about my family friend's children. I was to babysist younger and older. I think so I have experience.

I'm responsible and caring. I quickly have very good contact with children because I am friendly , sincere and creative. I don't smoke and don't drink because I know that this is bad , especially when you are spening time with children.

I also think that I'm ambicious. I can speak Polish,Korean, English and a little bit Spanish. So I can teach Your children languages.I can also help them do homework and learn a lot of other interesting things. I have always free time and I'm impetiently waiting for your answer.

I am enclosing my CV
I look forward to an interview at your earliest convencience.

Your faithfully
Agata Park
for the job OF babysitter? Chociaż ja bym napisała: I am writing to apply for the position of babysitter.

** for which I believe I would be perfect candidate?
** I have always spent (bo mówisz o swoim doświadczeniu)
** younger family members (samo family nie może być)
** but also about my friend's family children
** I was babysitting for younger and older ... Podaj kogo younger and older, nie może być bez osoby.
** I think so i have experience - jeśli już należałoby zmienić szyk, chociaż nie wiem czy takie zdanie dobrze brzmi w liście motywacyjnym :)
**I don't smoke or drink - albo może "ani nie palę ani nie piję"?
** I always have free time
I have ( usually always) got free time unless I go for parties , fair one ;)) obviously , I was joking .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 11 lis 2013


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