Nowadays 'it' (zle slowo, tutaj 'this') is a very popular type of accommodation while 'studies' (zla czesc mowy).
I wolud like to point out some advantages and disadvantages (ale czego? musisz napisac) in my essay.
'The' (niepotr) First of all living 'in' ON a campus 'learrn' (ortog ale i tak calkowicie zle slowo, poszukaj to poprawne i napisz) how to be independent. You live far away from your parents and you must 'be dependent' (depend) on yourself.You learn how to 'lve' (ortog) on your own.
It is important because sometimes when children 'a long time live with parents' (zla kolejnosc slow, najpierw 'live' pozniej z kim, a pozniej jak dlugo|) then 'in their alone live' (zla kol slow, i nie czasownik ale rzeczownik potrzebny) they are not able to 'adapted' (zly czas) to society.
'It' (This) 'make' (daj inne slowo, nie za bardzo pasuje) that we will have 'mor' (ortog) interesting social life.You make new 'relationship' (tylko jeden, wtedy potrzeba 'a', a moze wiecej, wtedy l. mnoga) and if you are (brak przedimka) shy person you will learn how to be more 'open minded' (nie, shyness niema nic wspolnego z being open-minded, pomysl co chcesz napisac).
Thirdly while living 'in' ON (przedimek) campus you will save hours because 'you walking' (cos tu nie tak) 'witchin' (ortog) (cos tu brak) distance of your classes, the 'libaries' (ortog) ,labs, 'theaters' (AmE theaters, BrE theatres). ,You can 'used' (zle slowo) this time 'to' (zle slowo) your social or academic 'thing' (a co to jest ten 'thing'?, daj inne slowo-czynnosci)