proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My BA thesis was on "The phenomenon of burnout in the teaching profession ."
This subject was not chosen by chance , it was born , as a result of observation of a history of " experience " of science.
Looking for work on the issues of " firing " teachers are not discussed very often, more often about this addresses the problems of large companies and corporations. Until some time teaching profession
was considered equally alongside the medical profession is a lawyer who has always demanded from the high expectations . In today's rapidly changing world , the teaching profession rather than become an authority, is beginning to be seen as one of the less prestigious jobs with low social status.

Work was purely theoretical and consisted of three sections.
The first was devoted to the characteristics of the teaching profession over the years and had to show social development and teacher professional functions of the original period to the present day .

The second chapter presents the role of the teacher in the reformed system of education , in particular, brought to the attention in the context of changes in the promotion, education and training of teachers.

Issues related to the third chapter introduce the problem of burnout as a teacher in the school environment .
Included in it are the issues related to the definition of burnout , its precursors , this chapter also shows signs of burning professional , causes and its prevention.
od drugiego zdania same nonsensy gramatyczne
My BA thesis was on "The phenomenon of burnout in the teaching profession."
The work was theoretical and consisted of three sections.
The first chapter was about a teacher in a historical context,
The second part concerned the reform of teacher training, promotion zadowoego, teacher education and training
The third chapter presented the problem of burnout in the school environment

A teraz?

ale jak mam to inaczej napisac? prosze pomóż mi
przeciez uczylas sie angielskiego. Dlaczego wrzucilas ten tekst do translatora?
uczyc się a nauczyć to dwie różne rzeczy, nie mam pomysłu jak to napiać to gdzie miałam wrzucic?
pomozesz mi?
Napisalas po polsku, wiec moglas sama przetlumaczyc na angielski.
Nie mam w czym pomagac, bo tam nie ma Twojego wkladu, prawda?
Poza tym prosilem, zebys usunela Phenomenon z tytulu, ale nie usunelas, wiec po co mam robic cokolwiek, skoro nie wierzysz moim radom?
Jak sama, jak wyszło by to jeszcze gorzej.
A z tym phenomenon po prostu nie widziałam a nie ze nie usunełam
Doradzalem usuniecie kilka miesiecy temu
My Bachelor concerned burnout syndrome in the teaching profession.
In the first chapter I described how changed teaching profession over the years.

Te 2 zdania są dobrze?
My Bachelor thesis...
w drugim zdaniu czasownik jest w zlym miejscu, a ponadto w pierwszym jest the przed teaching profession, a w drugim nie.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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