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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze sprawdzić czy jest poprawie niepisane :)

Healthy food pyramid (also known as
health pyramid, the nutritional pyramid or proper nutrition pyramid) came into being in order to determine what products you should eat often and which rarely. The pyramid is a kind of concept of healthy nutrition.
It should change our eating habits and remember to choose healthy foods. The pyramid consists of several levels which correspond to specific products.
Food products used in human nutritions. food can be divided into:
unprocessed food- intended for direct consumption natural for example: fruit, vegetables etc.
processed food- unnatural preserved products. for example : canned food , jam etc.

Preservatives inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and including mold .
All preservatives added to the products are on “ E-numbers”. Preservatives have a range of numbers from E200 to E299.

Is the word "no preservatives" is true ?
The packaging of various products we can find information on whether the product contains such substances. Inscription “ not preservatives” tells us that the product doesn't have this type of substance. That's not true! They have this substance but under another name!
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edytowany przez fui_eu: 27 lis 2013


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