Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie zdania w którym jest błąd

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-hello can I ask you something?
-sure go ahead
-what are the stages of education in polish schools
-in poland we have 5 stages of education kindergarten,elementary school, middle school, high school and studies. the compulsove school age is from seven to eighteen. everyone can learn in public schools learning is free
-what are the subjects in school
-in kindergarten children usualujy play different games draw pictures in elementary school they learn such subtect as languages math music art science history and physical education in middle school in this school students learn additional subjects such as chemistry social studies biology and geography and academies are attended by dults
-what will you say about the extracuricuar activities
-these the activities yes are but of course are paid
-what are the costs of education
-education in poland is free but we have to buy prenty of equipment books are so expensive moveover we can attend private school this kind of school is payable

in the picture i can see three people one woman and two children a boy and a baby girl probably they are in classroom woman is a teacher children are a pupils children are open books teacher explaining something the i thin they attend primary school
'hello' (lepiej uzyc 'excuse me') can I ask you something?
-what are the stages of education in 'polish' (duza litera) schools
-in 'poland' (duza litera, nazwa wlasna) we have 5 stages of education: kindergarten,elementary school, middle school, high school and 'studies' (poszukaj inne slowo). The 'compulsove' (blad ortog) school age is from seven to 'eighteen' (mozna '18').
-in kindergarten children 'usualujy' (ortog) play different games (przecinek) draw pictures. In elementary school they learn such 'subtect' (ortog) as languages (przecinek) mathS (przecinek) music (przecinek) art (przecinek) science (przecinek) history and physical education. In middle school 'in this school' (niepotr) students learn additional subjects such as chemistry (przecinek) social studies (przecinek) biology and geography and 'academies' (cos tu nie tak) are attended by 'dults' (ortog)
-what 'will' (zle slowo, tutaj CAN) you say about the 'extracuricuar' (ortog) activities
-'these 'the' (niepotr) activities yes' (cos tu nie tak, an activity nie moze byc yes) 'are' (niepotr) but of course are 'paid' (zle slowo)
-education in 'poland' (popraw) is free (przecinek) but we have to buy 'prenty' (ortog) of equipment. Books are so expensive. 'Moveover' (ortog) we can attend private school. This kind of school is payable

In the picture 'i' (zawsze duza litera) can see three people one woman and two children a boy and a baby girl probably they are in (brak przedimka) classroom. (przedimek) woman is a teacher. Children are 'a' (niepotr) pupils. Children 'are' (zle slowo) 'open' (zle slowo) books (brak 2 slowa) teacher (cos brak) explaining something. 'The' (niepotr) ' i' (popraw) 'thin' (ortog) they attend (przedimek) primary school
ale proszę wpisać to czego brakuje po to dałam do poprawy
ale to Ty masz poprawić tak, żeby było dobrze, i się czegoś nauczyć. Nam to nie jest potrzebne, my to już umiemy.
Cytat: mikolat
ale proszę wpisać to czego brakuje po to dałam do poprawy

dostales/as poprawione jak na tacy, o co jeszcze chodzi?
- these the activities yes are but of course are paid
... we can attend private school this kind of school is payable
Co masz na myśli pisząc paid i payable?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia