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temat: czy warto studiowac za granica?

Now education is very important and everyone want to study on the best university, so lots of people go abroad to school. Studing abroad has got pluses but also minuses.
Fisrt of all, trip is connected with cost. Tickets for flight by plane are expensive.Moreover, everythings on west Europa is more expensive than in our country, so life there is diffucult. There money is needed but when people learn thay have not got time to work. In addition, another problem could be connected with unaquaintance language. Without it is difficult to talking with somebody. Anather minus is that there we are at a distance from family and friends.
On the other hand, studing abroad is big chance for us. There we can learn a lots of vital things. Good education is needed to find a good job. Secondly, being abroad is fantasctic opportunity to meet new peole, their cultures.Talking with somebody is the best method to learn language. Addictionaly, being abroad in stranger country is good bridge to learn independence and responsobility.
All in all studing abroad has got lots of adventanges and disadventages.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
'Now' (dlaczego uzywasz 'now' - tp mi daje znac, ze 'kiedys' education nie byla wazna - a to jest nieprawda) education is very important and 'everyone' (everyone jest l. poj i czasownik musi byc dostosowany do 3os.l.poj) want to study 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego 'na' if you don't study on school, why schould you study on a university?) the best university, so lots of people go abroad to school. Studing (ale tu cos brakuje. Kogo? czego?) abroad has got pluses but also minuses.
'Fisrt' (ortog) of all, (cos brak) trip is connected with cost. Tickets for 'flight by plane' (lepiej 'plane flights') are expensive.Moreover, 'everythings' (to slowo nie istnieje w ang.) 'on' (zle slowo) 'west' (duza litera - nazwa wlasna) 'Europa' (zle slowo) is more expensive than in 'our' (ale ja nie wiem ktore jest 'twoje' country- bo jak mam to wiedziec?) country, so life 'there' (nie rozumiem do czego to 'there' sie odnosi) is 'diffucult' (ortog). There money is needed (przecinek przed 'but') but when people 'learn' (learn - ale co? napisz dokladniej) 'thay' (ortog) have not got time to work. In addition, another problem could be connected with 'unaquaintance' (slowo w zlym register - nie pasuje tutaj) (brak przedimka) language. Without it (tu cos brak) is difficult to 'talking' (zle slowo) with somebody. 'Anather' (ortog) minus is that 'there' (ale gdzie?) we are at a distance from family and friends.
On the other hand, studing abroad is (cos brak) big chance for 'us' ('us' to znaczy kogo? ciebie i mnie? wszystkich?) . There we can learn 'a' (niepotrf) lots of vital things.
Secondly, being abroad is (cos brak) 'fantasctic' (ortog) opportunity to meet new 'peole' (ortog), (cos brak) their cultures.Talking with somebody is the best method 'to' (zle slowo) learnING (przedimek) language. 'Addictionaly' (ortog), being abroad in (cos brak) 'stranger' (zle slowo) country is (cos brak) good bridge to learn independence and 'responsobility' (ortog).
All in all 'studing' (ortog) abroad has got lots of 'adventanges' (ortog) and 'disadventages' (ortog).

Education is very important and everyone wants to study at the best university, so lots of people go abroad to school. Studing something abroad has got pluses but also minuses.
Firrst of all, a trip is connected with cost. Tickets for plane flights are expensive.Moreover, all in West Europe is more expensive than on East, so life abroad is difficult. There money is needed , but when people learn new things they have not got time to work. In addition, another problem could be connected with ignorance of language. Without it, is difficult to speaking with somebody. Another minus is thatabroad we are at a distance from family and friends.
On the other hand, studing abroad is a big chance for students . There we can learn lots of vital things.
Secondly, being abroad is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and their cultures.Talking with somebody is the best method of learning the language. Addictionally, being abroad in an alient country is a good bridge to learn independence and responsibility.
All in all studying abroad has got lots of adventages and disadaventages.

Mam nadzięję, że teraz jest lepiej :)
Education is very important and everyone wants to study at the best university, so lots of people go abroad to 'school' (nie, tutaj lepiej daj 'study'). 'Studing' (blad ortog) 'something' (tego niepotrz) abroad has got pluses but also minuses.
'Firrst' (ortog) of all, a trip is connected with cost.
Moreover, 'all' (lepiej 'living') in West Europe is more expensive than 'on' (znowu ta kalka z polskiego 'na' nie mozesz zyc 'on West, on East) East, so life abroad is difficult. There money is needed , but when people ARE learnING new things they have not got time to work. In addition, another problem could be connected with ignorance of (a gdzie jest przedimek?) language. Without it, IT is difficult to 'speaking' (nie, tutaj masz zle, albo jest 'to talk' a nawet 'to speak', albo 'talking', 'speaking' - noie moze byc '*to talking) with somebody. Another minus is that abroad we are at a distance from family and friends.

'Addictionally'( ortog), being abroad in an 'alient' (zle slowo) country is a good bridge 'to learn' (ja dalabym 'for learning') independence and responsibility.
All in all studying abroad has got lots of 'adventages' (blad ortograf) and 'disadaventages' (ortog).

Education is very important and everyone wants to study at the best university, so lots of people go abroad to study. Studying abroad has got pluses but also minuses.
First of all, a trip is connected with cost.
Moreover, living in West Europe is more expensive than in East, so life abroad is difficult. There money is needed , but when people are learning new things they have not got time to work. In addition, another problem could be connected with ignorance of the language. Without it, it is difficult speaking with somebody. Another minus is that abroad we are at a distance from family and friends.

Additionally, being abroad in a foreign country is a good bridge for learning independence and responsibility.
All in all studying abroad has got lots of advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, a trip is connected with cost. Ja bym zmienił trip na inne słowo, również na 't';)
being abroad in a foreign country powtarzasz się;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 28 gru 2013
trip na travel? :)
being abroad mogę zamienić na staying abroad?? :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe