pomoc w sprawdzeniu- skills in CV

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej moglby ktos rzucic okiem na czesc CV dotyczaca umiejetnosci? Watpliwosci ujelam w nawiasach. Bede wdzieczna za kazda uwage!

Communication skills
- I build simply (zeby nie powtarzac easily) excellent relationships with various collaborators in an intercultural environment thank s to my work experience and university education abroad
- Ability to find compromises in situations that require the comparison of different oppinions

Organisational skills
- I adjust easily to (nie chce powtarzac adopt) the tasks carried out by a group of employees thanks to the ability to determine priorities for the implementation of many projects at the same time, requiring a proper division of time and the distribution of responsibilities between colleagues.
- scrupulous and well organised at work, able to work under stress, with leaderships skills
Professional skills
- Organization of events (during work in student organizations)
- Good command of the CRM system, carrying out job interviews, CV screening
(skills acquired during the internship in an employment agency)
- Website content editing (social networking sites)
- Creation and maintenance of databases

edytowany przez skrzatek11: 13 sty 2014
czy ktos moglby mi to sprawdzic?
jeszcze raz BARDZO prosze o sprawdzenie. To dosyc pilne :(
simply = prosto
wypowiedz z ability to nie jest zdanie, podobnie wypowiedz ze scrupulous

ogolnnie da sie zrozumiec
Dzieki wielkie!


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