Napisz opowiadanie w którym nieumiejętne posługiwanie się nowoczesną technologią sprowadza na bohatera niebezpieczeństwo.

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Modern technology is a great blessing for us nowadays. However, I'll never forget the situation when modern invention brought a real danger.
It was my mom's forthieth birthday. She had difficulty working with roadmap so that day she got a modern, cool GPS. She was so excited that she wanted to test it immediately. It was about four p.m., she got into a car, enter a coordinates to the navigation and drove away. Everything was fine, the GPS was showing her a way so she wasn't focused on the travel direction or on things she was passing by. Suddenly, the navigation stopped and when she wanted to switch it back on it turned out that a code is needed but she of course didn't know it. She took out a phone to call me but she was out of reach. She realised that she had no idea where she was. What's more it was getting darker and darker. She fell in panic, everything seemed to be scary, she heard some strange sound which was approaching to her. She was in a cold sweat and suddenly someone knocked to the car's window. She was terrified, than she heard calling: 'hey! are you ok? I think you are lost'. She opened the window carefully. There was a sympathetic man smiling to her, he offered his help. At first mom was so scared that she even couldn't talk but finally she understood man's tips and she found the way to come back home. When she saw us she was happy and relived. I'll never forget the words she said: 'Never trust technology!'.
It was my mom's' forthieth' (lepiej 40th albo fourtieth) birthday. She had difficulty working with (a gdzie przedimek?) roadmap so that day she got a modern, cool GPS.
It was about four p.m., she got into 'a' (ja bym dala 'the' bo wiemy dokladnie, ze to bylo jej car, a nie jakies tam gdzies na parkingu) car, 'enter' (zly czas) 'a' THE coordinates to the navigation and drove away. Everything was fine, the GPS was showing her 'a' (znowu THE) way so she wasn't focused on the travel direction or on things she was passing by. Suddenly, the navigation stopped and when she wanted to switch it back on it turned out that a code' is' (ja bym dala 'was') needed but she of course didn't know it. She took out 'a' (tu musi byc albo 'the' albo 'her') phone to call me but she was out of reach.
She fell inTO A panic, everything seemed to be scary, she heard some strange sound which was approaching 'to' (niepotr) her. She was in a cold sweat and suddenly someone knocked 'to' ON the 'car's' (wg mnie 'car') window. She was terrified, 'than' (zle slowo) she heard calling: 'hey! are you ok? I think you are lost'.
There was a 'sympathetic' (kalka z polskiego, zle slowo) man smiling 'to' AT her, he offered his help. At first mom was so scared that she 'even couldn't' (zla kolejnosc slow) talk but finally she understood (przedimek) man's tips and she found the way 'to come' (wg mnie niepotr) back home. When she saw us she was happy and 'relived' (zle slowo). I'll never forget the words she said: 'Never trust MODERN technology!'

popracuj nad tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)
to samo wkleila tu:

gdybys wiedziala, moglabys pomoc komus innemu, ewent. poprawic po mnie, co trwaloby krocej.

Wklejanie tego samego w kilku miejscach na forum to zly zwyczaj
Ksenia97 - naucz sie ze tutaj wklejamy TYLKO JEDEN RAZ. Bo drugi raz NIKT Ci nie pomoze.
Dlaczego ja nie widzę tego wcześniejszego?;)
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