Solution Essay do sprawdzenia.

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Witam, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie mojego opinion essay pod każdym kątem; zaczynając od interpunkcji, kończąc na gramatyke. Jestem otwarty na wszelakie propozycje i sugestię w sprawie każdej z przedstawionych tez.. Z góry dziękuję za poświęcony czas.

Rudeness is a strictly negative phenomenon. We may notice an increase in prevalence of rude behaviors in our society with the naked eye. It leads to that opinion about youth generation is gradually worsening. The question is: are we expendable in that fight or we can provide some solutions and make the world a better place? Indeed, we can.

One way to deal with the situation would be to introduce savoir vivre-lessons to public schools. Obviously, it is well known that savoir-vivre is not only a set of behavior patterns but it may be also considered as the way of life in a loose sense. The fact is that little do young people know about the ambiguous term culture. These lessons would provide information about some factors which delineate expectations for social behavior according to generally accepted norms. As a result, the youth will be more prone to use proper schemes of behavior in practice and fully participate in cultural life.

Another worth considering option would be to organize a bigger number of special courses for parents. It is commonly known that young people ditto schemes of behavior taken from home. These classes would provide a vast amount of knowledge about the youth and unquestionably help parents to direct child development on a proper way in their early stage of life. In results, parents would have a smaller amount of problems with their kids and degree of rudeness would be reduced significantly.

One final suggestion, which would help enormously is to shower those people with kindness. Being kind does not mean to tolerate one abuse after another. It definitely stands for that you respond to the other person politely, without verbal aggression. It could be the most efficient way which may result in the change of the behaviors and shock public awareness of young people awake. Due to means of gentle behavior, we can make person sit up and take notice.

To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve to effectiveness of fighting the rudeness. If parents, the other people and especially those who are rude were prone to help, it would make our society much better and more gentle. What is more, people from abroad would perceive Poles as a very smart and well-brought-up nation. This phenomenon may increase incomes from tourism and break stereotypes about our nationals.

edytowany przez Neyril: 17 sty 2014
We may notice an increase in (przedimek) prevalence of rude behaviors in our society with the naked eye. It leads to 'that' (zle slowo, tutaj daj przedimek) opinion 'about' (zle slowo, tutaj THAT) (przedimek) 'youth' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'young') generation is gradually worsening.

'Obviously' (nie pisz takich slow, one sa za mocne, i napewno to nie jest 'obvious' dla wszystkich).It is well known that savoir-vivre is not only a set of behavior patterns but it may 'be also'[ (zla kolejnosc slow) considered as the way of life in a loose sense. The fact is that 'little do' (w zlym miejscu) young people know (little) about the ambiguous term - culture. These lessons would provide information about some factors which delineate expectations 'for' OF social behavior according to generally accepted norms. As a result, the 'youth' (to dla mnie nie jest za bardzo trafne slowo, lepiej uzyj 'young people' - bo to daje inne konotacje) will be more prone to use proper schemes of behavior in practice and fully participate in cultural life.

Another (daj tutaj OPTION) worth considering 'option' (w zlym miejscu) would be to organize a bigger number of special courses for parents. It is commonly known that young people 'ditto' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo tutaj, napewno miales na mysli 'copy') schemes of behavior taken from home. These classes would provide a vast amount of knowledge about the 'youth' (nie, slowo jest 'young') and unquestionably help parents to direct child development 'on' IN a 'proper' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo, lepiej uzyc 'appropriate' albo 'acceptable') way in their early stage of life. 'In results' (nie, to masz zle, tutaj As a result), parents would have a smaller amount of problems with their kids and degree of rudeness would be reduced significantly.

Being kind does not mean 'to tolerate' (ja dalabym 'tolerating') one abuse after another. It definitely 'stands' (slowo wydaje mi sie nie za bardzo trafne, lepiej uzyj 'means') 'for' (niepotr) that you respond to the other person politely, without verbal aggression. It could be the most efficient way which may result in the change of the behaviors and 'shock' (cos mi to slowo tutaj nie siedzi) public awareness of young people awake. Due to means of gentle behavior, we can make (przedimek) person sit up and take notice.

To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve to effectiveness of fighting 'the' (niepotr) rudeness. If parents, the other people and especially those who are rude were prone to help, it would make our society much better and more gentle. This phenomenon may increase 'incomes' (income) from tourism and break stereotypes about our nationals.

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