Rozprawka z matury

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam !
Prosiłbym o w miarę dokładne sprawdzenie mojej rozprawki, która pochodzi zdaje się z jakieś oficjalnej matury. Z góry dziękuje za wszelkie uwagi.

Temat: Coraz więcej młodych Polaków decyduje się wyjechać na Wyspy Brytyjskie w celu podjęcia studiów. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony tego zjawiska.

Nowadays, more and more young people decide to take up studies abroad. Due to the fact that English is the leading language of economics and science, their main destination is usually Great Britain. This decision is connected with a lot of exciting development opportunity, but also with a huge risk.

First of all, stay in the UK is a great chance to improve your language skills which are absolutely necessary to find a well-paid job. What is more, the British education system guarantee gaining access to the most modern research laboratories, equipped with the high - tech devices. Having got in this way professional experience, we shouldn’t have problems on the labour market in the UK or Poland. Besides, there is no better way to get to know special British culture and interesting people.

On the other hand, along with increasing number of young emigrants, our country loses many talented students. In addition, they often decide to stay there permanently and work for British employer. In consequence our economy doesn’t have highly qualified specialists in diverse branches. It’s worth to mention that many young people don’t manage to study effectively abroad. They don’t take advantage of development opportunity and they often have to settle for a low-paid job.

To sum up, studying in the UK is a chance for better professional future. However, it may cause economic problems for our country. Therefore, our government should encourage young Poles to return to the homeland.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie