Odpowiedź na zapytanie, proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie mojego listu. Jest to odpowiedź na zapytanie. Za wszelkie uwagi bardzo dziękuję ;)

Dear Madam,

I would like to thank you for your enquiry concerning our services.

We are very pleased to inform you that we are able to renting you conference hall and satisfy the required conditions.
Firstly, I would like confirm the date which the conference is scheduled to take part. Thank your for you trust. We will use all reasonable endeavours to providing your guests our services at the highest degree. All of the room will be prepared for the 20th Mai.
As regards a catering services we are able to provide all of that. I venture to enclosed some examples of menu concerning cuisine and hours of meals. Maybe some of these propositions could be interesting for you. Obviously, I will be waiting for list of your wishes related with catering. All your requirements will being tried to satisfy by us. As concerns entertainment, I have pleasure in enclosing a catalogue with our the best propositions of spending free time. I am hopeful that you find something suitable for you and your guests.
The timetable of the event is enclosed documents.

We hope that you will find our terms competitive. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Your faithfully,

Mateusz Nowak
We are very pleased to inform you that we are able to 'renting' (zla czesc zdania) you (brak przedimka) conference hall and satisfy the required conditions.
Firstly, I would like (cos brak) confirm the date (cos brak) which the conference is scheduled to take 'part' (zle slowo, tutaj 'place'-miejsce). 'Thank your for you trust' (nie rozumiem sense calego zdania - no i 'your'). We will use all reasonable endeavours to 'providing' (provide) your guests (cos brak - 'z') our services at the highest 'degree' (zle slowo - tutaj 'level'). All of the 'room' (ale jak mowisz 'all' to znaczy wiecedj jak jeden) will be prepared for the 20th OF 'Mai' (po jakiemu to?).
As regards 'a' (zly przedimek) catering services we are able to provide 'all of that' (to jest nieladnie - lepiej...we can cater for your every need). I venture to 'enclosed' (zly czas - to robisz teraz to jest czas terazniejszy - enclose) some examples of (brk przedimka) menu concerning (cos brak) cuisine and 'hours of meals' (nie, to jest nieladnie, lepiej 'meal times'). Maybe some of these propositions could be 'interesting' (zle slowo, tutaj 'of interest') 'for' TO you. Obviously, I will be waiting for (brak przedimka) list of your wishes 'related with' (zrob to inaczej...concerning the) catering.
'All your requirements will being tried to satisfy by us' (to zdanie jest zle - napisz to biernie).
As 'concerns' (zle slowo, tutaj 'concerning', ale ja bym dala 'regards the') entertainment, I have pleasure in enclosing a catalogue with our 'the' (niepotr) best propositions of spending (cos brask) free time.
The timetable of the event is enclosed (tu mi brakuje pare slow) documents.

Please feel free to contact me if you have ANY questions.