Sprawdzenie transformacji leksykalno gramatycznych

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
2.This MP3 player was the best one that you could have chosen. (MADE)
You couldn't made better choice than this MP3 player.

3.I advise you to buy it as prices may go up next year. (CASE)
You should buy it in case of prices go up next year.

4. My sister's new kitchen is as big as my entire house. (SAME)
My sister's new kitchen has the same size like my entire house.

5. I wish i hadn't lost the recipt. (SHAME)
It's a shame that i lost the recipt.

6. The salesman described the shoplifter to us in detail. (FULL)
The salesman gave a full description to us of the shoplifter.

-wyrazy w nawiasach to te których trzeba użyć, a pogrubione to wpisane przeze mnie
2 nie, czegoś brakuje, zastanow sie
3 in case sth happens
6 zmien szyk
4. źle;)
2. You couldn't made A better choice...? nie wiem tylko to mi przychodzi do głowy
3. bez 'of' tak?
4. Ale dlaczego? AS zamiast LIKE?
6. The salesman gave us a full description of the shoplifter.
2 jest kepiej, ale po couldn't musi byc bezokolicznik - a zdanie odnosi sie do przeszlosci, prawda?
3 ok
4 tak, as
i lepiej 'is of'
Aha no tak czyli : have made a better choice..?
Dziękuje za pomoc ;)
4 wciąż źle , imo.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 22 kwi 2014
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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