'From' (zle slowo) (brak przedimka) last few years a lot of changes have taken place in education. Schools started to use different 'inventions' (poszukaj inne slowo, to nie jest tyle 'invention' a modernizacja) like interactive boards thanks to which teachers can (tu cos brask) present (tu cos brak) material (nie piszesz dla kogo?). The 'amount' (zle slowo) of computers 'at' (zle slowo) schools have increased. What's more, some schools are equipped with classrooms with speakers 'what' (zle slowo) 'heps' (ortog) (cos brak) learning foreign languages.
What it comes to communication, I have to mention the Internet, because 'nowodays' (ortog) it is the main source of communication. 'There 'were' (zly czas) created special programmes' (napisz to inaczej, biernie i programs) for example skype thanks to which we 'can don't' (nie rozumiem dlaczego tw 2 slowa masz tutaj) have to pay for (brakuje jaka) connection to other countries.
Changes in spending free time also have 'its' (ale 'changes' to jest ll. mnoga) source in the Internet. We can relax by playing computer games, 'surfing' (napisalas, relex' to dlaczego uzywasz inna forme tutaj, jak 'relax' to 'surf'), the Internet, 'listening' (zmien) to music or 'watching' (zmien) films online. We can entertain (ale kogo? znajomego? kolezanke?) with other gadgets like a smartphone or a 'tablete' (ortog).
The buses and trains 'became' (zly czas) modern. Inside them there are special boards which inform the passengers on which station 'they are' (tutaj dla mnie nie jest jasno, czy to 'informacja gdzie pasazer sie znajduje', czy to 'gdzie ten pociag jest').
We can buy 'tickets for the plane' (a dlaczego nie 'airline tickets'?) or 'for the train' (train tickets?) 'by' (nie, daj tutaj 'using') the Internet.