
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie, czy wybrałam odpowiednie przedimki. Zaznaczyłam je drukowanymi literami w nawiasach.

Everybody knows that Albert Einstein is one of (THE) most distinguished people in the history of science. But did you know that he wasn't always a very disciplined student at (BRAK PRZEDIMKA) school? Although he had excellent grades in (BRAK PRZEDIMKA) maths, he didn't like the teaching methods and rules. He was (AN) eccentric person, too. Throughout his life, he disliked (BRAK PRZEDIMKA) elegant clothes, haircuts and wearing socks. His main passions were sailing (A) boat and playing the violin. Also, it is said that he had bad memory for names, dates and phone numbers. And these are only a few of the less-known facts surrounding (THE) brilliant individual ...
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