Czasy przeszłe

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie, czy wybrałam odpowiednie czasy.

J: Hi, Tom. You look upset. What's wrong?
T: Oh, hi, John. Well, I HAVE BEEN HAVING problems at work lately and I DON'T KNOW what to do. They HAVE HIRED a new manager recently and I DON'T THINK he likes me very much. He ALWAYS PUTS extra work on my desk and ASKS me to work on Saturdays.
J: It SOUNDS to me like you are the one he DEPENDS on.
T: Huh? YOU AREN'T serious, are you?
J: Yes. Actually I JUST HAVE FINISHED a seminar on working relations. Basically, he BELIEVES that you are qualified and responsible to take on the work.
T: Well, if that's true, I'M FEELING AWFUL.
J: It's OK. Maybe he IS TRAINING you to become the new manager one day!
Zastanawiam sie nad uzyciem he is always putting
reszta ok
have just


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie