Angielski - wpis na bloga.

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Czy możecie sprawdzić poniższy tekst czy nie ma błędów? Dzięki za pomoc!

Hi guys!
Sorry I haven't write in a while but school started and it was very busy week for me! Anyway, today . I want to write about Brad Pitt. He is an actor who became famous after his role in „Seven”. He is also famous because of his position on the top of the most handsome men and because of his private life and women (mainly Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie).There is a lot about him in newspapers right now because he married with Angelina Jolie after 9 years of being together. Wedding took place secretly in France at their possession Chateau Miraval.
Brad Pitt seems to be friendly. He has got a great sense of humour and He loves kids. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He’s fit and tall. The thing I most like about him is that he's able to emphatize very well with the character he plays. He also allocates a lot of money for charity.
I believe He will get a lot of prizes for roles in different films.
Z bledow rzucajacych sie w oczy:
Zle utworzony czas present perfect w 1 zdaniu
Brak przedimka przed school, week, wedding
Nie wiem czy possession to posesja, znajdz moze inne slowo, allocate tez troche dziwne
To wszystkie błędy? Czy jeszcze jakieś są?
Dlaczego kropka po Anyway, today?
Widzę błąd w zdaniu ze 'Pisza o nim dużo w gazetach...' /po because/;)
Ok poprawiłem błędy i teraz mam takie coś:

Hi guys!
Sorry that I haven't written for a while but school started and it was a very busy week for me! Anyway, today I want to write about Brad Pitt. He is an actor who became famous after his role in „Seven”. He is also famous because of his position on the top of the most handsome men and because of his private life and women (mainly Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie).There is a lot about him in newspapers right now because He married with Angelina Jolie after 9 years of being together. The wedding took place secretly in France at their possession Chateau Miraval.
Brad Pitt seems to be friendly. He has got a great sense of humour and He loves kids. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He’s fit and tall. The thing I most like about him is that he's able to emphatize very well with the character he plays. He also allocates a lot of money for charity.
I believe He will get a lot of prizes for roles in different films.

Czy jeszcze coś do poprawy? Btw. nie wiem o jaki błąd chodzi Aaric. Bardzo dziękuje za pomoc!
Imo, nie będzie 'ożenił się Z ... Usuń coś, ewentualnie dodaj;)
Masz zwyczaj dawać /he/ z wielkiej litery w środku zdania.
Co do allocate, zgadzam sie z kolegą powyżej;)
Zdanie z emphatize 'męczy' mnie trochę;)
Sorry that I haven't written for a while (przecinek przed 'but') but school started and it was a very busy week for me!
He is an actor who became famous after his role in '„Seven”' (nie jestem pewna na 100% czy ten film mial taki tytul). He is also famous because of his position on the top of the (tu brakuje duzo slow ..on jest na 'liscie') (brak 2 slowa slowa) most handsome men and because of his private life and women (mainly Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie). There is a lot about him in (ja dalabym tutaj przedimek) newspapers right now because 'He' (mala litera) married 'with' (niepotr) Angelina Jolie after 9 years of being together. The wedding took place secretly in France at their 'possession' (nie najlepsze slowo - poszukaj inne) Chateau Miraval.
He has got a great sense of humour and 'He' (mala litera) loves kids.
He’s 'fit' (w UK slowo 'fit' znaczy ze on jest 'sexy i az palce lizac' wiem ze w AmE znaczy, ze on jest 'wycwiczony') and tall.
He also 'allocates' (bardzo dziwne slowo tutaj, mozna dac 'give' donates' - allocates wiecej w jez. ksiegowym) a lot of money 'for' (dla mnie tutaj potrzeba TO) charity.
I believe 'He' (mala litera) will get a lot of prizes for roles in different films.
Hi guys!
Sorry that I haven't written for a while, but school started and it was a very busy week for me! Anyway, today I want to write about Brad Pitt. He is an actor who became famous after his role in „Se7en”.There is a lot about him in the newspapers right now because He married Angelina Jolie after 9 years of being together. The wedding took place secretly in France at their estate Chateau Miraval.
Brad Pitt seems to be friendly. He has got a great sense of humour and he loves kids. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He’s fit and tall. The thing I most like about him is that he's able to emphatize very well with the character he plays. He also donates a lot of money for charity.
I believe he will get a lot of prizes for roles in different films.

Wyrzuciłem jedno zdanie bo okazało się że trochę za dużo słów. Nie mam pojęcia czym zastąpić empathize więc chyba tak zostanie. Dzięki wszystkim za pomoc!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.