Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania, w którym miałam uzupełnić zdania podanymi słowami bez zmieniania ich formy, by znaczyły to samo, co zdania wyjściowe.
1. When I was little I often helped my grandmother in the garden.
When I was little I WOULD HELP my grandmother in the garden. WOULD
2. Communicating with others was much more difficult when there were no mobile phones.
Communicating with others USED TO BE much more difficult when there were no mobile phones. BE
3. My grandfather taught me which mushrooms can be eaten and which cannot.
My grandfather taught me which mushrooms ARE ABLE TO EAT and which aren't. ARE
4. If you want your dog to obey all your commands, you need to start the training very early.
If you want your dog TO BE OBEDIENT, you need to start the training very early. BE
5. The students started the exam before the teacher explained the rules.
The teacher HAD EXPLAINED the rules when the students started the exam. EXPLAINED