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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
!!! To moja pierwsza rozprawka!!! Jej temat to "Czy komputery mogą zniszczyć relacje międzyludzkie?"

Computers are still getting popular. Experts say that computers can destroy normal social relations. It is true?
First of all, finding new friends is easier and faster, because you can use social websites like Facebook. Nowadays a lot of people contacts with their friends and family using Internet.
Besides, because of computers, distance is not a problem today. You can talking with your friend from Asia, when you are at home. It is a good way to study foreign languages.
Next thing is mobility. When you have a laptop with Internet connection you may be in a middle of the forest and still have contact with a lot of people. But where are advantages, there are disadvantages too.
Communication by the Internet is easy, but can be addictive. A lot of people, especially young, can talk with other people only on Facebook or Skype. They don’t want or can’t talk with their friends in “normal life”.
Last, but not least is computer’s negative influence on mind and body. People, who spend a lot of time using computers, may have problems with eyes, legs and they can have painful headache. So computers can destroy their user’s social relations and health, but user must be addicted.
In my option computers can’t destroy normal relationships, because they are only machines. But their users must using their computers carefully, because computers, like any other thing must be using thread with common sense.
'It is' (to jest pytanie, a pytania nie tworzymy tak) true?
First of all, finding new friends is easier and faster, because you can use social websites like Facebook. Nowadays a lot of people contacts with their friends and family using Internet. (to powinno byc 1szym zdaniem, a pozniej to o Facebook)
Besides, because of computers, distance is not a problem today. You can 'talking' (zle slowo, tutaj czas teraz.) with your friend from Asia, when you are at home.
When you have a laptop with (brak przedimka) Internet connection you may be in 'a' (zly przedimek) middle of the forest and still have contact with a lot of people. But where THERE are advantages, there are disadvantages too.
A lot of people, especially (brak przedimka) young, can talk with other people only on Facebook or Skype (musisz wytlumaczyc co to jest - to F'book i Skype).
Last, but not least is (przedimek) computer’s negative influence on (przedimek) mind and body. People, who spend a lot of time using computers, may have problems with eyes, legs (w jaki sposob?) and they can have painful headache (od czego?) .
So computers can destroy their user’s social relations and health, but 'user must be addicted' (ta czesc nie ma sensu, bo wlasnie chodzi o to, ze disadvantages sa tylko wrtedy kiedy 'user jest addictive'. Z twojego zdania nie wynika to.)
But their users must 'using' (zle slowo) their computers carefully, because computers, like any other thing must be 'using' (zle slowo) (tu brakuje 2 slowa, jedno z nich to przedimek) thread 'with' (zle slowo) common sense.

Jak dla mnie, to za bardzo skaczesc z jednego do drugiego, tak jakbys 'pozyczyl' czesci z innych wypracowan. No i zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the) !


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