sprawdzenie transformacji ze słowem kluczem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie, czy moglibyście sprawdzić kilka zdań i jeżeli są źle (a pewnie są :( ) to czy moglibyście je poprawić? Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc! :)
1) It's quite likely that somebody took your briefcase by mistake. (could)
Somebody could (have???) take your briefcase by mistake.

2) I'm sure it isn't Tessa. (can)
I'm sure it can't be Tessa.

3) Would you like me to bring you another glass of wine, sir? (shall)
Shall I bring you another glass of wine, sir?

4) We're sure that the enemy didn't know our secret code? (could)
We're sure that the enemy couldn't know our secret code.

5) Perhaps, your employees were dissatisfied with the working conditions. (may)
Your employees may be dissatisfied with the working conditions.

6) Taking photographs inside the museum is forbidden. (must)
Taking photographs inside the museum must be forbidden.

7) When I knew him, Steven was a very gentle person. (would)
When i knew him, Steven would be a very gentle person.

8) Why did you pay my bill? You didn't have to do it. (need)
Why did you pay my bill? You didn't need to do it.

9) Could you swim as well as I can when you were my age? (able)
Were you able to swim as well as I can when you were my age?

10) It's quite possible that John was sleeping when you phoned him. (could)
John could sleep when you phoned him.

11) It was wrong that you didn't notify the police of the collision. (should)
You should notify the police of the collision.
1,4, 5, 10, 11 zle
nie rozumiesz czasownikow modalnych w przeszlosci typu mogl zrobic - could have done, powinien byl zrobic - should have done
6 nie wolno ci robic zdjec, ja bym napisal
Dzięki wielkie za sprawdzenie i wskazówki :)
popraw może
Uzywajac czasownikow modalnych, masz zastapic odpowiednie zwroty ze zdan wyjsciowych, np. w nr 2 'to nie może' ma zastąpić 'jestem pewna'. Nie ma potrzeby pisać 'jestem pewna, że to nie może", bo powtarzasz treści. Taki sam błąd masz w zdaniu nr 6: 'must' odnosi się do zakazów/nakazów podobnie jak forbidden, więc nie używaj 'zakazać', tylko 'nie wolno', jak wyżej sugeruje @zielonosiwy


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie