Opis - sprawdzi ktoś?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sprawdzi ktos i popawi w razie koniecznosci?

1.She is funny and communicative person. I think she could keep in any situation. she knows that in order to survive in life needs to get an education, because I never give up, always try to aim even in difficult situations. she has many friends, including several proven and I think it is generally well liked because every day she meets with many people. I believe that Wiktoria is a pleasant and nice. It is brave because not afraid to express his own opinion .It also responsible, as always complies with its obligations referrals. Wiktoria is my friend, which I can rely on and entrust any secret.

2.My second friend’s name is Kasia . She is 18 years old. She lives in Rybnik . She lives with mother, father and younger brother. Her Brother name is Marcin. He is 17 years old. Her mother works as a nurse in a hospital. Her father works as a mechanic.

3.Kasia is short and slim. Her eyes are brown. . She has got long eyelashes. She has got big nose and big mouth. Her ears are small. She has got long, straight brown hair.. She has a beautiful smile .She is very beautifull girl . She wears very nice clothes, those are usually jeans, t-shirt and blouse. She likes meeting new people. She is very nice and friendly that's why she has a lot of friends.

Bardzo prosze o pomoc i z góry dziękuję :)
Ja juz widzialam ten post gdzies indziej, i 'mg' dal wskazowki na zadanie 1.
Prosze tego nie robic, my jestesmy 'like an elephant'.
otóż 'mg' dał wskazówki na inna wypowiedz a nie na ta
2.My second friend’s name is Kasia . She is 18 years old. She lives in Rybnik . She lives with CZYIM (miałaś już tą wskazowkę w poprzedniej pracy;)) mother, father and younger brother. Her Brother Z MAŁEJ LITERY I 'S name is Marcin. He is 17 years old. Her mother works as a nurse in a hospital. Her father works as a mechanic.
Drugie zdanie w pierwszym 'paragrafie' wygląda jak by było posklejane z różnych zdań i nie jest zbyt jasne, przede wszystkim: co "I" tam robi?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie