Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności pytań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeżeli będzie źle to proszę poprawić bądź naprowadzić na poprawną formę.

1. Do you see your family day ever?
2. Do you teach great-grandparents anything?
3. Who always your remember birthday?
4. Who taught you to read?
5. What do you relax to do?
6. Where do you want on your go next to holiday?
7. What you words describe three?
8. What you makes happy?
9. Who knows you best?
10. When did first speak English?
11. Where are live to form?
12. Who won the game?
13. Does he eat meat?
14. What they are going?
15. What you write?
16. When we arrived?
17. Who eat the chocolate?
18. Did we like the film?
19. Who killed the President?
20. What were you thinking about?
21. What happened to the old theater?
22. Where did your from great-grandparents come?
23. Did your ancestors from here com?
24. Has she here for a long worked time?
25. Who is making all that noise?
26. Which house are you looking for?
te są ok: 4, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26
reszta źle i ciężko coś więcej, bo nie wiemy jakie miałaś zadanie
Niektóre są źle przepisane.
W 1 ma być EVERY, nie EVER. Obojętnie jak, jest źle;)
W 2 brak słowa;)
3. Jedno słowo źle przepisane;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 29 lis 2014
chodzi o to że są cztery rodzaje pytań: pytanie o podmiot, TAK/NIE, o dopełnienie, o dopełnienie z przesuniętym przyimkiem i było trzeba poukładać pytania z rozsypki słów
5. What do you relax to do? zle
6. Where do you want on your go next to holiday? zle
7. What you words describe three? zle
8. What you makes happy? zle
11. Where are live to form? zle
14. What they are going? zle
15. What you write? zle
16. When we arrived? zle
17. Who eat the chocolate? zle
22. Where did your from great-grandparents come? zle
23. Did your ancestors from here comE? zle
24. Has she here for a long worked time? zle


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