
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o sprawdzenie inwersji
czy ktos by mogl podac jakies wskazowki to przykladow z pytajnikiem albo jak zaczac jako że cwicze sobie tą inwersje jako samouk i niektórych przykładów nie rozumiem

1. They are doing something quite unprecedented. (What)
2. The shellfish made Jasmine sick. (It was)
It was the shellfish that made Jasmine sick.
3. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. (What)
4. They’ve done something unforgivable. (What)
What they’ve done is unforgiveable.
5. I came by bus because my car has broken down. (The reason)
The reason (why) I came by bus is my car has broken down.
6. A second chance is the only thing I want. (All)
All I want is a second chance.
7. The guy who told me about the new club was Zack. (Zack)
It was Zack who told me about the new club.
8. We have to leave our bags and coats here. (This)
9. They told me the same thing. (That’s)
That's the same thing I've being told.
10. He’s very unlucky in love! (Lucky)
Lucky he is not in love.
11. The interactive displace were much more interesting. (Much)
12. The Lord Chancellor was also at the ceremony. (Also)
Also The Lord Chancellor was at the ceremony
13. The fire-fighters were unable to enter the building because the heat was so intense. (So)
So intense was the heat that the fire-fighters were unable to enter the building
14. A parking ticket was stuck to my windscreen. (Stuck)
15. Although they were defeated they managed to keep smiling. (Defeated)
Defeated though they were, they managed to keep smiling
16. A gnarled old oak tree stands beside the river bank. (Beside)
17. The midnight movie is after this. (Next)
18. The government has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat. (Seldom)
19. As soon as we arrived they announced that the show was cancelled. (No sooner)
No sooner had she arriven that they announces she show was cancelled
20. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances. (Under)
Under no circumstances will be given
21. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle.

22. Greg lost the office keys.

It was the office keys that Greg lost.
1. They are doing something quite unprecedented. (What)
? To, co robią....
przy czym 'to co' = what
3. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. (What)
8. We have to leave our bags and coats here. (This)
(?) nie na poczatku zdania uzyj 'is where we'
9. They told me the same thing. (That’s)
That's the same thing I've being told. being told jest niegramatyczne
10. He’s very unlucky in love! (Lucky)
Lucky IN LOVE he is not in love.
11. The interactive displace were much more interesting. (Much)
? jakie displace?
zdanie jest bardzo proste, 'o wiele bardziej interresujące...'
12. The Lord Chancellor was also at the ceremony. (Also)
Also The Lord Chancellor was at the ceremony. Nie, tak jak poprzednie
14. A parking ticket was stuck to my windscreen. (Stuck)
? w sumie jak wyżej

16. A gnarled old oak tree stands beside the river bank. (Beside)
? proste, j.w.
17. The midnight movie is after this. (Next)
? next=after this
18. The government has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat. (Seldom)
? tak jak z rarely itp.
19. As soon as we arrived they announced that the show was cancelled. (No sooner)
No sooner had she arriven
dziękuję za wskazówki.
Czy kojarzycie może z jakiej książki są te przypadki?
1. They are doing something quite unprecedented.
What they are doing is quite unprecedented.

3. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle.
What he is approaching is the problem from an entirely new angle.

8. We have to leave our bags and coats here. (This)
(?) nie na poczatku zdania uzyj 'is where we'
9. They told me the same thing. (That’s)
That's the same thing I've been told.
10. He’s very unlucky in love! (Lucky)
Lucky IN LOVE he is not.
11. The interactive displace were much more interesting. (Much)
Much more interesting was the interactive displace.
12. The Lord Chancellor was also at the ceremony. (Also)
Also at the ceremony was The Lord Chancellor
14. A parking ticket was stuck to my windscreen. (Stuck)
Stuck to my windscreen was a parking ticket

16. A gnarled old oak tree stands beside the river bank. (Beside)
Beside the river bank is a gnarled old oak tree.
17. The midnight movie is after this. (Next)
Next is the midnight movie.
18. The government has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat. (Seldom)
Seldon has the government suffer sucha n overhelming defeat.
19. As soon as we arrived they announced that the show was cancelled. (No sooner)
No sooner had she arrived than they announced the show was cancelled.

I tak mi się wydaje ze wszystko zle :(
3 nie, z doing
8 This is...
9 po co zmiana czasu? i w ogole po co strona bierna?
mozna tez 'that's what...
11 co to znaczy displace?
16 nie zmieniaj czasownika

reszta ok
7 możesz też zacząć od Zack.
Poprawiłam błędy, uporządkowałam zdania. Ale wydaje mi się w 2,3 zdaniach cos jest jeszcze nie tak ( i dodałam 2 zdania)
Co jeszcze zmienić?

1. They are doing something quite unprecedented. (What)
What they are doing is quite unprecedented.

2. The shellfish made Jasmine sick. (It was)
It was the shellfish that made Jasmine sick.

3. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. (What)
What he is approaching is the problem from an entirely new angle.

4. They’ve done something unforgivable. (What)
What they’ve done is unforgiveable.

5. I came by bus because my car has broken down. (The reason)
The reason (why) I came by bus is my car has broken down.

6. A second chance is the only thing I want. (All)
All I want is a second chance.

7. The guy who told me about the new club was Zack. (Zack)
It was Zack who told me about the new club.

8. We have to leave our bags and coats here. (This)
This is where we leave our bags and coats.

9. They told me the same thing. (That’s)
That’s the same thing they told me.

10. He’s very unlucky in love! (Lucky)
Lucky in love he is not.

11. The interactive displace were much more interesting. (Much)
( nie mam pojęcia?) displace- zastępować/wysiedlać *

12. The Lord Chancellor was also at the ceremony. (Also)
Also was The Lord Chancellor at the ceremony.

13. The fire-fighters were unable to enter the building because the heat was so intense. (So)
So intense was the heat that the fire-fighters were unable to enter the building.

14. A parking ticket was stuck to my windscreen. (Stuck)
Stuck to my windscreen was a parking ticket.

15. Although they were defeated they managed to keep smiling. (Defeated)
Defeated though they were, they managed to keep smiling.

16. A gnarled old oak tree stands beside the river bank. (Beside)
Beside the river bank stands a gnarled old oak tree.

17. The midnight movie is after this. (Next)
Next is the midnight movie.

18. The government has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat. (Seldom)
Seldom has the government suffer such an overwhelming defeat.

19. As soon as we arrived they announced that the show was cancelled. (No sooner)
No sooner had she arrived than they announced the show was cancelled.

20. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances. (Under)
Under no circumstances can refunds be given.

21. Greg lost the office keys.

It was the office keys that Greg lost. doing is approaching the problem...
znowu dalas wszystkie zdania? za pozno, zebym sprawdzal cos, co juz zaqtwierdzilem :-(
What is he doing is approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. Tak?

Wrzuciłam wszystkie zdania, bo są tam nowe jeszcze dodatkowe a i tamte trochę pozmienialam:)
przeczytaj, co napisal mg
is he doing is approaching* zle napisalam
What he is doing is approaching the problem from an entirely new angle.****
ok, troche niechlujnie robisz te zadania
this is where we have to
next after this
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 02 gru 2014
A reszta juz wszystko ok? Are you sure? :D
zdanie 5

5. I came by bus because my car has broken down. (The reason)
The reason (why) I came by bus is THAT my car has broken down.
A czy zdania 1 ,3,8 są poprawne na pewno?
i jak zrobić zdanie 11?
i CZY 12 JEST NA PEWNO poprawna?
11 o wiele bardziej interesujace byly...
12 mialas dobrze, a potem zmienilas na zle.
1 ok
3 ok po ostatnich poprawkach
8 zapomnialas o 'have to'
Much more interesting were the interactive display.?

mg wielkie dzięki!
tam jest display w liczbie pojedynczej?
11. The interactive displace were much more interesting
Much more interesting were(?) the interactive displace (?)
nie moze byc were, bo display to l. poj.
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 05 gru 2014
tak myslalam, ze pewnie
Much more interesting WAS the interactive displace
a co to jest displace?
wysiedlać? też bezsensu. ale taki przykład właśnie jest.
Pewnie powinno być display jako wyswietlacz
Ale to tak czy tak czy tak Much more interesting was....
powinno byc display lub displays, na co wskazuje wymowa displace
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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