Proszę o sprawdzenie opisu obrazu "Słoneczniki" Van Gogha.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It is a series of paintings painted by Vincenta Van Gogha, includes themes sunflowers. He painted 11 pictures: four in Paris and seven w Arles. First painting he painted in 1887r. in Paris, where he lived. This painting show three sunflowers. Second picture show fifteen flowers. This painting is light, dominate different shades of yellow. Background is divided into two parts. Lower the more darker. Upper part is light of yellow. Vase is also divided into two parts only the colors are reversed in relation to the background. For the most outstanding was found painting entitled : “Vase with twelve sunflowers. On the painting Upper part background is light of blue, moreover lower part vase is brown in relation with painting shown above. Van Gogh thought that his piece of art affects same as stained glass in windows church. This is one of the few his paintings which show joy and optimism. Sunflower become popular flower to decorated. In the 19th century this flower become symbol the joy of life. “Sunflowers” this painting painted oil technique. Author show beauty flowers, their magic and meaning for people.
In my opinion this is one of the most beautiful piece of art which ever made. I think so because the picture though that is static and show topic which is still life, gives the impression of lively.
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It is a series of paintings painted by Vincenta Van Gogha, containing sunflower motif. He painted 11 pictures: four in Paris and seven in Arles. The First painting was painted in 1887r. in Paris. This painting show three sunflowers. The Second picture show fifteen flowers. This painting is light. On the picture there are many shades of yellow. Background is divided into two parts. Lower is the more darker. Upper part is light of yellow. Vase is also divided into two parts only the colors are reversed in relation to the background. For the most outstanding was found painting entitled : “Vase with twelve sunflowers”. On the painting Upper part background is light of blue, moreover lower part vase is brown in relation with painting shown above. Van Gogh thought that his piece of art affects same as stained glass in windows church. This is one of the few his paintings which show joy and optimism. Sunflower become popular flower to decorated. In the 19th century this flower become symbol the joy of life. “Sunflowers” this painting painted oil technique. Author show beauty flowers, their magic and meaning for people.
In my opinion this is a one of the most beautiful piece of art which ever made. I think so because the picture though that is static and show topic which is still life, gives the impression of lively.
It is a series of paintings painted by Vincenta Van Gogha, containing sunflower motif. He painted 11 pictures: four in Paris and seven in Arles. The First painting was painted in 1887r. in Paris. This painting shows three sunflowers. The Second picture shows fifteen flowers. This painting is light. On the picture there are many shades of yellow. Background is divided into two parts. Lower is the more darker. Upper part is light of yellow. Vase is also divided into two parts only the colors are reversed in relation to the background. For the most outstanding was found the painting entitled : “Vase with twelve sunflowers”. On the painting upper part background is light of blue, moreover lower part vase is brown in relation with the painting shown above. Van Gogh thought that his piece of art affects same as stained glass in windows church. This is one of the few his paintings which show joy and optimism. Sunflower become popular flower to decorated. In the 19th century this flower become symbol the joy of life. “Sunflowers” this painting painted oil technique. Author show beauty flowers, their magic and meaning for people.
In my opinion this is a one of the most beautiful piece of art which ever made. I think so because the picture though that is static and shows topic which is still life, gives the impression of lively.
It is a series of paintings painted by 'Vincenta Van Gogha' (to nie jest jego wlasne imie), containing (a gdzie przedimek) sunflower motif.
The 'First' (dlaczego masz tu duza litere?) painting was painted in 1887'r' (od kiedy w jez. ang. piszemy 'r'?) in Paris.
The 'Second' (popraw) picture shows fifteen flowers. This painting is 'light' (w jaki sposob? Ile ono wazy? 1 kg czy 2kg?). 'On' (zle slowo) the picture there are many shades of yellow. (przedimek) background is divided into two parts. (przedimek) lower (ale co? musisz napisac) is the more darker. (porzedimek) upper part is 'light of yellow' (tego nie rozumiem). (przedimek) vase is also divided into two parts only the colors are reversed in relation to the background. For the most outstanding 'was found' (nie rozumiem tego) the painting entitled : “Vase with twelve sunflowers”. 'On' (zle slowo) the 'painting' (popraw) upper part (przedimek) background is 'light of blue' (nie rozumiem tego), moreover (przedimek) lower part (brak 2 slowa) vase is brown in relation with the painting shown above. Van Gogh thought that his piece of art affects (kogo? czego? psa? kota?( (przedimek) same as (przedimek) stained glass in 'windows church' (zla kol slow). This is one of the few (cos brak) his paintings which show joy and optimism. (przedimek) sunflower 'become' (zly czas) (przedimek) popular flower 'to decorated' (nie rozumiem) . In the 19th century this flower 'become' (zly czas) (przedimek) symbol (brak slowa) the joy of life. (przedimek) “Sunflowers” 'this painting' (niepotr) (brak slowa) painted (brak 2 slowa) oil technique. (przedimek) 'author' (nie, tutaj 'artist') 'show' (artist-3os.l.poj) (przedimek) beauty (brak slowa) flowers, their magic and (cos brak) meaning for people.
In my opinion this is a one of the most beautiful 'piece' (pomysl o tym) of art 'which' (niepotr) ever made. 'I think so' (to jest tak po polsku - ze az strach, wystarczy...This is) because the picture though 'that' (niepotr) is static and 'shows' (popraw) (przedimek) topic which is still life, gives the impression of (brak slowa) lively.

Co ty robisz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the). SAM zadecydowales, ze one sa niepotrzebne w zdaniach, czy cos!!
Zamiast 'was found' może być was included ?
Albo tak ?
For the most outstanding belongs the painting entitled
" more darker "--bardziej ciemniejszy-widzisz błąd ?
"this is a one "--this is one ( bez a ) of the most.....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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