Rozprawka for and against

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Witam, uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie poniższej rozprawki oraz jeśli to możliwe komentarz, na ile mniej więcej mogła by być oceniona (skala 18 pkt).

Coraz mniej młodych ludzi decyduje się na zawarcie małżeństwa przed trzydziestym
rokiem życia. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą wady i zalety zakładania rodziny
w późniejszym wieku.

Nowadays less people decide to get married before thirty. It is believed, that people who wait can choose better person but in older age it could be harder to find somebody. Is it good to make a family later or is it bad? This is the question that needs an answer.

There is no denying that getting married after thirty have a number of advantages. First of all, it is often assumed that people who make families later have longer freedom. What is more, families arranged after thirty are often aware choice of responsible, mature and sophisticated people. As a result, those families have bigger chances to survive.

Although it could seem that getting married after thirty has only advantages, there are also some drawbacks. It is a common view that most people fall in love as teenagers, so why they would wait until they get thirty? Furthermore, you run a risk of being lonely because in older age it is often more difficult to find somebody. Apart from that many couples after thirty have troubles having babies. It can be a disaster even if you think adoption is a solution.

On balance, it seems that holidays abroad have as many disadvantages as positive aspects. The decision of whether to get married as a teenager or in the older age remains a matter of personal choice.
Jest podejrzane że niektóre zdania są całkiem porządne a inne zupełnie do kitu:)
less people,
getting married after thirty have a number of advantages,
they get thirty
Ja bym np. ujął, START a family a nie MAKE a family;)
"On balance, it seems that holidays abroad have as many disadvantages as positive aspects." co to ma wspólnego z twoją pracą?;)
+ inne błędy;)
Przepraszam bardzo, ale dlaczego JA i inni mamy czytac tekst w jezyku polskim, jak tutaj chodzi o rozprawke w jezyku angielskim? Drugie - ja i tak polskiego nie umiem czytac, to dla mnier jez. polski jest tutaj zbedny.

Nowadays less people decide to get married before 'thirty' (ale czego: musisz napisac) . 'It is believed,' (na podstawie jakich badan, podaj dokladne zrodla) that people who wait can choose (a gdzie przedimek?) 'better' (dokladnie wytlumacz co to znaczy 'better' - czy mam rozumiem ze niektore osoby takie nie sa?) person but in 'older age' (to znaczy kiedy dokladnie? po 80tce?) it could be harder to find somebody (to jest po prostu not true' - duzo ludzi w wieku 80 lat zostaja malzenstwem). Is it good to 'make a family' (co to znaczy?:) later or is it bad?

'There is no denying ' (na jakiej podstawie, pokaz i napisz badania) that getting married after thirty 'have' (dlaczego uzywasz to slowo?) a number of advantages. First of all, it is often assumed that people who 'make families' (nie rozumiem co to znaczy) later have 'longer freedom.' (a co to znaczy 'short freedom'?) - What is more, families arranged after thirty 'are often aware choice' (co to znaczy?) of responsible, mature and 'sophisticated' (czy ty naprawde tutaj piszesz, ze wszyscy po 30tce sa sophisticated?) people. As a result, 'those families have bigger chances to survive' (bzdura - wiecej ludzi rozwodzi sie po 30tce).

'It is a common view' (np ilu z 10,000 osob tak zrobilo?) that most people fall in love as teenagers, so why 'they would' (zla kol slow) wait until they get (cos brak) thirty? Furthermore, you run a risk of being lonely because in older age it is often more difficult to find somebody (tak, ale tutaj nie brales pod uwage tego, ze ludzie po prostu umieraja zanim dozyja do podeszlego wieku) . Apart from that many couples after thirty have 'troubles having babies' (ja myslalam, blednie, ze to kobiety rodza, czy masz na mysli to, ze mezczyzni nie maja dobrych....). 'It' (to znaczy co? stan zdrowia kobiety i mezczyzny?) can be a disaster even if you think adoption is a solution.

On balance, it seems that 'holidays abroad' (o co tu chodzi? Widac, jak byk na krowie, ze pozyczyles zdanie z innego, nie napisanego przez Ciebie tekstu) have as many disadvantages as positive aspects. The decision of whether to get married as a teenager or in 'the' (zly przedimek) 'older' (to znaczy kiedy ma sie 20 lat - bo wtedy juz nie jest sie 'teenager') age remains a matter of personal choice.
polecenia sa czesto dawane w j., polskim. To jest karalne, ze przepisal polecenie?


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