Raport - sprawdzenie

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego raportu, chodzi mi o poprawność językową, gdyż forma jest zgodna z wytycznymi lektorki. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc :) (WEF Audio to nazwa firmy)

Implementing a new strategy for WEF Audio

Executive Summary
WEF Audio, which is well-known company, has recently struggled many problems. The main asset of the firm is that every loudspeaker has been built by hand. It is important to underline that customers appreciate WEF Audio for their workmanship. Unfortunately, the technology is changing in a very fast pace. There is no doubt that the company has to be transformed to be able to fight with the competition. This report presents ideas for the firm how to handle this difficult situation. It has also found out what caused the troubles in the firm and it proposed new strategies for the company.

This report will look at:
• problems which has appeared in the company in recent years,
• the current situation and position of the WEF Audio on the market,
• recommendations that lead to implementing the new strategy.

The main problem for the company is its profitability. The new products are generating 40% of turnover. However, the real trouble is that they only contribute 12% of profits. The WEF Audio’s core business is stagnant which makes the company uncompetitive. It is also important to underline that company’s margins are too small.
One thing earned the approbation, namely the sales and their cost. It has brightened since two years.

A lot of money is destined for stocking components because they are more sophisticated. What is more there are many returns which are being kept in the warehouses. The cost of these practices are too high. This report shows that the problem with the inventory has gotten worse during the last two years.

This report has found many problems which concerns the company’s staff. Personnel suffers from frequent turnovers. What is more, employees have to work harder because of many extra workload from growing sales. They are unsatisfied with their jobs. The only good thing for our personnel is that their salaries are high and competitive.

The report points that customers of WEF Audio are not as satisfied as they were in the past years. They still appreciate the quality of the products but the delivery times are concerning .

• The company must implement Just-In-Time system. It will help reducing costs and definitely will cut delivery times. The whole process will boost the productivity.
• The market is very fastidious and the product on demand is necessary. It is certain that it will increase the customer’s satisfaction.
• The good management will protect the product from worsen quality which is highly important for the WEF Audio’s boss.

• It is recommended to outsource some new products. The outsourced firms can produce cheaper than the WEF Audio and they also handle returns.
• The outsourcing will close the problem with the employees who have to deal with extra workload.
• The company should focus only on producing high-end speakers. The quality will remain on the same high standards and WEF Audio may focus on developing new ideas.

Relocating the production
• The costs of the production abroad for example in North Africa are much more cheaper than in Austria. Moreover, the salaries for employees are lower. It will definitely help company to save money and concentrate on improving the existing products.
• It is proposed to conclude a contract with logistic firm to avoid high cost of the transportation.

This report provides with suggestions about new strategies for WEF Audio. Now the company is in a difficult situation and some changes have to be implemented. If company do not transform their practices, it probably will go bankrupt. WEF Audio should consider recommendations, choose the best ones and implement them as soon as possible.
WEF Audio, which is )brak przedimka) well-known company, has recently struggled (brak slowa 'z') many problems.
Unfortunately, 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) technology is changing 'in' (zle slowo) a very fast pace.
This report presents ideas for the firm (tu brakuje slowa) how to handle this difficult situation. 'It' (to znaczy kto? nie jest jasne z tekstu) has also found out what caused the 'troubles' (poszukaj inne slowo, to jest za niskie na tak powazny raport) in the firm and 'it' (nie rozumiem do kogo to 'it' sie odnosi) proposed new strategies for the company.

This report will 'look at' (to jest za niskie/nieformalne a tutaj trzeba wiecej formalnie, np. 'examine/evaluate):
• problems which 'has' (problems to l. mnoga, 'has' to l. poj?) appeared in the company in recent years,
• the current situation and position of 'the' (niepotr) WEF Audio on the market,
• recommendations that (tutaj daj dobrego modala) lead to implementing the new strategy.

The new products are generating 40% of (przedimek) turnover. However, the real 'trouble' (poszukaj odpowiednie slowo na tak powazny dokument) is that they only contribute 12% of (przedimek) profits.
It is also important to underline that company’s margins are too 'small' (poszukaj inne slowo).
One thing earned the approbation (ale kogo? czego? musisz napisac), namely the sales and their cost. It has brightened 'since' (co to slowo tutaj robi? napisz odpowiednie slowo) two years.

'A lot of' (za niskie okreslenie) money is destined for (przedimek) stocking (brak slowa) components because they are 'more sophisticated' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem).
The 'cost of these practices' (nie, napisz to inaczej,) are too high.

'What is more' (mozna uzyc 'furthermore'), employees have to work harder because of many extra 'workload' (many extra- a pozniej l. poj?) from growing sales.

The report points (brak slowa) that (przedimek) customers of WEF Audio are not as satisfied as they were in the past years. They still appreciate the quality of the products but the 'delivery times are concerning' (cos tu nie tak) .

• The company must implement (przedimek) Just-In-Time system. It will 'help reducing' (popraw) costs and definitely will cut (przedimek) delivery times. The whole process will boost 'the' (niepotr) productivity.
• The market is very fastidious and (tutaj brakuje pare slow- 'miec') the product on demand is necessary. It is certain that it will increase 'the customer’s' (maja tylko jednego 'customer'?) satisfaction.
• 'The good management' (tego nie rozumiem) will protect the product from 'worsen' (zle slowo) quality which is highly important for the WEF Audio’s boss.

• The outsourced firms can produce (ale co? musisz napisac) cheaper than the WEF Audio and they (daj tutaj pare slow) also handle (przedimek) returns.
• The quality will remain 'on' (zle slowo) the same high standards and WEF Audio may focus on developing new ideas.

It will definitely help (przedimek) company to save money and concentrate on improving the existing products.
• It is proposed to conclude a contract with (przedimek) logistic firm to avoid (przedimek) high cost of 'the' (niepotr) transportation.

This report provides (kogo?) with suggestions about new strategies for WEF Audio. 'Now' (lepiej uzyj 'Currently) the company is in a difficult situation and some changes have to be implemented. If (przedimek) company 'do' (company to 3os.l.poj) not 'transform' (daj inne slowo) their practices, it probably will go bankrupt. WEF Audio should consider (przedimek) recommendations, choose the best ones and implement them as soon as possible.
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc :) Czy teraz dobrze?
I niestety nie rozumiem co mam dodać w tym zdaniu "The market is very fastidious and (tutaj brakuje pare slow- 'miec') the product on demand is necessary. "

Implementing a new strategy for WEF Audio
Executive Summary
WEF Audio, which is a well-known company, has recently struggled with many problems. The main asset of the firm is that every loudspeaker has been built by hand. It is important to underline that customers appreciate WEF Audio for their workmanship. Unfortunately, technology is changing with a very fast pace. There is no doubt that the company has to be transformed to be able to fight with the competition. This report presents ideas for the firm how to handle this difficult situation. The report has also found out what caused the clouds in the firm and it proposed new strategies for the company.

This report will examine:
• problems which have appeared in the company in recent years,
• the current situation and position of WEF Audio on the market,
• recommendations that may lead to implementing the new strategy.

The main problem for the company is its profitability. The new products are generating 40% of the turnover. However, the real hurdle is that they only contribute 12% of the profits. The WEF Audio’s core business is stagnant which makes the company uncompetitive. It is also important to underline that company’s margins are too low.
One thing earned the approbation from financial point, namely the sales and their cost. It has brightened from two years.

An enormous amount of money is destined for a stocking components. What is more there are many returns which are being kept in the warehouses. The inventory costs are too high. This report shows that the problem with the inventory has gotten worse during the last two years.

This report has found many problems which concerns the company’s staff. Personnel suffers from frequent turnovers. Furthermore, employees have to work harder because of many extra workloads from growing sales. They are unsatisfied with their jobs. The only good thing for our personnel is that their salaries are high and competitive.

The report points out that the customers of WEF Audio are not as satisfied as they were in the past years. They still appreciate the quality of the products but the time of is concerning .

• The company must implement the Just-In-Time system. It will help to reduce costs and definitely will cut the delivery times. The whole process will boost productivity.
• The market is very fastidious and the product on demand is necessary. It is certain that it will increase the customers satisfaction.
• The good managing will protect the product from worsening quality which is highly important for the WEF Audio’s boss.

• It is recommended to outsource some new products. The outsourced firms can produce goods cheaper than the WEF Audio and they are also able to handle the returns.
• The outsourcing will close the problem with the employees who have to deal with extra workload.
• The company should focus only on producing high-end speakers. The quality will remain at the same high standards and WEF Audio may focus on developing new ideas.

Relocating the production
• The costs of the production abroad for example in North Africa are much more cheaper than in Austria. Moreover, the salaries for employees are lower. It will definitely help the company to save money and concentrate on improving the existing products.
• It is proposed to conclude a contract with the logistic firm to avoid high cost of transportation.

This report provides the company’s management with suggestions about new strategies for WEF Audio. Currently the company is in a difficult situation and some changes have to be implemented. If company does not alter their practices, it probably will go bankrupt. WEF Audio should consider the recommendations, choose the best ones and implement them as soon as possible.
"The market is very fastidious and (podalam 'miec' , myslalam tutaj o 'having') the product on demand is necessary. "

....One thing earned the approbation from financial point, namely the sales and their cost. It has brightened from two years....Tych dwuch zdan nie rozumiem. Uzywanie slowa 'approbation' nie jest najlepsze, , druigie zdanie jest do przepisania od nowa - nie rozumiem co sie swiecilo przez 2 lata)

An enormous amount of money is 'destined' (zle slowo, tutaj 'retained) 'for' (niepotr) 'a' (niepotr) stocking components.
Personnel 'suffers' (wg mnie, 'personnel tutaj jest l. mnoga, tyo wypada dac czasownik l. mn - suffer) from frequent turnovers.
• 'The good managing' (daj nie rozumiem co masz na mysli, napisz to po polsku, bo po ang. to nic nie znaczy) will protect the product from worsening quality which is highly important for the WEF Audio’s boss.

• The outsourcing will 'close' (daj wyzsze slowo, np diminish, reduce - staraj sie uzywac wiecej 'academic' slow) the problem with the employees who have to deal with extra workload.

• It is proposed to conclude a contract with 'the' (nie, daj tutaj 'a', bo jak na razie, to nie wiemy o jaka konkretna firme chodzi) logistic firm to avoid THE high cost of transportation.

If THE company does not alter their practices, it probably will go bankrupt.

Pamietaj o przedimkach (a, an, the). Staraj sie nie tlumaczyc slowo w slowo z polskiego.
An enormous amount of money is retained stocking components. <- po retained nie powinno być jakiegoś przedimka?

One thing earned the approbation from financial point, namely the sales and their cost. It has brightened during the last two years. <- Tu chodzi mi o to, że: Jedna rzecz zasługuje na pochwałę z finansowego punktu widzenia, a mianowicie: sprzedaż i jej koszty. Poprawiły się one w przeciągu ostatnich dwóch lat.

The good managing' (daj nie rozumiem co masz na mysli, napisz to po polsku, bo po ang. to nic nie znaczy) will protect the product from worsening quality which is highly important for the WEF Audio’s boss. <- Po polsku:
Dobre zarządzanie ochroni produkt przed pogorszeniem się jakości, co jest niezwykle ważne dla właściciela WEF Audio.
An enormous amount of money is retained BY stocking components.

One thing 'earned' (tutaj mnasz zle slowo) the 'approbation' (to nie jest odpowiednie slowo) from (przedimek) financial point OF VIEW, namely the sales and their cost. 'It' (ale przeciez 'sales' to jest l. mnoga i dlatego musi byc THEY) 'has' (zle slowo - dostosuj do 'they') 'brightened' ('brightened' nie znaczy 'poprawic' - tutaj 'increased') during the last two years.

The good managing' (tutaj mialas na mysli Good management - a nie napisalas tego - czy NIKT juz nie uczy czesci mowy?) will ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie