Personal Statement

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłabym o pomoc w sprawdzeniu listu motywacyjnego. Mam go do oddania na jutro jako sprawdzian, a szczerze powiem, że gramatyka nie jest moją mocną stroną :) Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc jak i może jakieś rady bo szczerze nie za bardzo wiem czy jest ogólnie dobrze...

When I started study biology in junior high school I was overwhelmed by the amount of things
to learn. But the more time I spend to learn biology, the more pleasure it gave to me. Now
biology is my main subject for last three years. What still amazed me, is how the human body
works, how it is possible, that every cell of our body exactly know what to do and how they
work together. Now I want to know better how it all works, and that the main reason why I
want to to study Biomedical Sciences.

My school curriculum included extended learning of Biology and Chemistry. Of those subjects I
had a lot of practical work, and thanks to this I could explore the knowledge of the textbook
into practice. Those workshops included, inter alia, learning how use microscopes, chemical
solutions and how extract cells from different organisms. We also must worked in groups. But
most of informations about how humans body works and how knowledge of biology influences the
development of medicine I have got from medical journals, which introduced me to the world of
modern solutions in the treatment and prevention. Thanks to that I took part in lectures
titled "Young adult meetings the medicine" I could explore this topic by talking with doctors
and specialist. After these lectures, I started to look myself for information about the
development and history of biomedical. I was looking for answers, especially in books, but I
also followed news in the media. At school I also attending at the Latin language lessons, and
I have got more lessons of English language. I think that these skills will be useful for my
course and help me to use 100 percent of given me opportunities.

At school I often presided projects and exhibitions, so I can say that I am responsible and
well-organized person. I have always live up to mine promises and obligations. After school I
attend to work as a waitress at a local restaurant. This work have given me the experience of
practical use of English and working with people. But not all of my experience as a worker has
been as a paid employee. I am a volunteer at an organization that helps poor people. I take
part in cash and food collections and twice a week I go to the city children's hospice. My
duties there involve helping children in learning, talking with them and on playing together
with them. This voluntary largely influenced my choice of direction associated with health,
because this experience made me realize how much I would like to take care for other people,
try to find way to them to recover and that I would like to study Biomedical Science.

In my spare time, try to expand my knowledge about biology and how its impact on our lives.
That’s the main reason why I am taking part in many lectures at the university. But I am not
focused only on the biology. I am a member of the artistic circle in which we dance, paint or
sing. In the winter I cultivate different types of sports, and the most I like skating. Also in my
free time I spend on cooking which is my passion. I have also found time to go out with my

Biomedical Science is a great course for me because it combines elements of all the sciences
and yet allows for specialization in lots areas of research. This course will give me a good
basis in both, theory and practice. After completing this course I would like to start work or
continue my education in field of Medicine.
Kiedy oddajesz i na którą uczelnie planujesz aplikować? Ogólnie rzecz biorąc -- piszę szczerze -- ten statement jest słaby. Na które uczelnie planujesz aplikować? Do kiedy termin? Może będę mógł pomóc...
przeciez napisala, ze jest to tylko jako sprawdzian, a nie prawdziwy PS :P
Czy zawsze zostawiac wszystko na ostatnia godzine...Staraj sie robic cos wczeniej.

But the more time I spend 'to learn' (tutaj 'learning- bo to byla czynnosc ciagla) biology, the more pleasure it gave 'to' (niepotr) me.
What still amazeS (czas teraz) me, is how the human body works, how it is possible, that every cell of our body exactly knowS (cell-it-3os.l.poj) what to do and how they work together.

'Of' IN those subjects I had a lot of practical work, and thanks to this I could explore the knowledge of the textbook into practice. Those workshops included, 'inter alia' (nie pisz tak, to nie jest praca naukowa), learning how use microscopes, chemical solutions and how TO extract cells from different organisms. We also 'must' (HAD TO) 'worked' (work - czas teraz.) in groups. But most of (brtak przedimka) 'informations' (to jest niepol. information - nawet jak tego byly tysiace) about how (przedimek) humans body works and how knowledge of biology influences the development of medicine I 'have' (niepotr) got from medical journals, which introduced me to the world of modern solutions in the treatment and prevention. Thanks to that I took part in lectures ENtitled "Young adult meetings the medicine" I could explore this topic by talking with doctors and specialistS. After these lectures, I started to look myself for information about the
development and history of 'biomedical' (nie, ten rzeczownik to jest biochemistry) .
At school I 'also attending' (nie, zly czas - attended) 'at the' (niepotr) Latin language lessons, and I 'have' (zly czas, tutaj HAD) 'got' (niepotr) more lessons of (przedimek) English language.

At school I often presided OVER projects and exhibitions, so I can say that I am (przedimek) responsible and
well-organized person. I have always liveD (czas przeszly) up to 'mine' (zle slowo, tutaj MY) promises and obligations. After school I 'attend to' (niepotr) work as a waitress at a local restaurant. This work 'have' (zly czas, tu HAS) given me the experience of practical use of English and working with people.
This voluntary ACT largely influenced my choice of direction associated with health,
because this experience made me realize how much I would like to take care for other people,
try to find way to them to recover and that I would like to study Biomedical Science.

In my spare time, try to expand my knowledge about biology and how 'its' IT impactS on our lives.
IN the winter I cultivate different types of sports, and 'the most I like skating' (zrob to inaczej...and I like skating most...). Also 'in' (niepotr) my free time I spend on cooking which is my passion.
After completing this course I would like to start work or continue my education in (przedimek) field of Medicine.


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