Dla mnie to tutaj masz za duzo szczegolow o konkretnej pracy, i nie jest to co powinno byc. Ma byc wstep, badania, results i koniec. Praca jest podzielona na ....chapters, to jest w tym to w tym, Poszukaj jak inni ludzie opisywali swoje prace - teo nawet niew powinnam Ci przypomina, bo sam powinnienen wiedziec...
Moje uwagi:
The 'goal of this thesis' (cos mi sie tutaj nie podoba, mozna po prostu...This thesis concerns) 'was' (niepotr) (brak przedimka) 'develop' (tu ma byc rzeczownik) (brakuje slowa) a web application to manage a courier company with (brak przedimka) additional support of courier mobile terminal as (przedimek) Android phone application.
In developing (brak slowa) application 'has been used' (w zly miejscu) a variety of technologies such as Spring Framework, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, jQuery, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, Google ZXing and tools like integrated development environment Spring Tool Suite, Apache Maven and Apache Tomcat (were used).
'Application' (nie rpozumiem czego) was divided 'on' (za bardzo po polsku, tu jest kalka z 'na' po ang. mowimy INTO) three parts. (przedimek) first parts is the public space 'with' (zle slowo) provideS 'a' (niepotr) basic functionality such as (przedimek) login, registerING a new account, order shipment, shipment monitoring, shipment account history and change account data panel. These features can be found in each 'competitive solution' (nie rozumiem co to jest). Another element of (przedimek) application is (przedimek) administrative part and its availabILIYTY only for authorized users. It contains pages that provide functionality like register a new courier account and shipment management panel, with is necessary to proper functioning of (przedimek) company. The last part of (przedimek) application is REST API, 'with' (dlaczego piszesz slowo 'with' jak nie masz tego na mysli, ty myslisz o innym slowie) provideS (przedimek) service for (przedimek) courier mobile terminal. It is responsible for synchronizATION (brak slowa) (przedimek) courier tasks with web mobile platform and sendING information about delivered and received shipments. The most important part 'of each delivered shipping' (niepotr) is (przedimek) receiver'S signature, which is sent from (przedimek) mobile application to (przedimek) web platform and stored in (przedimek) database.
(In order to) provide a high level of security from unauthorized access to (przedimek) aplication 'are used' (na koncu zdania) technology such as Spring Security and Spring OAuth2 (were used).