Australian Simon Muri started a ZLY PRZEDIMEK company SwimTrek.
It offers exciting swimming holidays, on waters NA WODACH? in different places around the world.
PRZEDIMEK Very popular MIEJSCEM are areas around the Greek Islands.
You can travel after them NIE ROZUMIEM AFTER THEM, swimming from one island to another.
The company has a lot of interesting offers.
You can flow=TAK MOZNA POWIEDZIEC O RZECE 5 km TU CZEGOS BRAK Hellospont where BRAK PODMIOTU, PODEJRZEWAM, ZE PODMIOTEM JEST MORZE SRODZIEMNE connects to the Mediterranean Sea with the Black Sea and where Europe joins Asia.
Or do the ZLY PRZEDIMEK, TO NIE JEST JEDYNA KROTSZA TRASA NA SWIECIE shorter swim from the prison island of Alcatraz
acrossthe bay to San Francisco.