
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w poniższych punktach do egzaminu ustnego:
a) duchowne kobiety błogosławiące dzieci (rola kobiet w religii)
• The picture presents a strange religion ritual.
• I think these old women are important in this event.
• I don’t know what kind of ceremony it can be but I guess it can be christening.
• What is unusual in this picture is fact that we can see woman as a priest.
• I think this is something unnatural in our times.
• Only when I will see this ritual with my own eyes, will I be able to say something more about it.

b) 3 muzułmanki idą w burkach ulicą
• The picture presents 2 women wearing burkas.
• In my opinion they must be Muslim.
• They seem to be very sad. I guess they don’t feel comfortable in such a clothes
• I think they wearing burkies because of religious belief
• Not only are they earnest but also pretty
• I think they must be very polite to their husband
• Finally, I must say that I think they are not happy in their life.
• The general atmosphere in this picture is negative.
czemu 'strange |"?
Czemu burkas a potem burkies? i brak słowa w tym zdaniu;)
I will be able to say anything more about all of this if only I see such rituals ;
Robbertoxx bo nie do końca widać na obrazku czy to chrzest.
A czemu to zdanie z inwersją niepoprawne skoro proponujecie inne?
Jakie słowa brakuje w zdaniu z burkies?
Cytat: streets_of_philadelphia
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w poniższych punktach do egzaminu ustnego:
a) duchowne kobiety błogosławiące dzieci (rola kobiet w religii)
• The picture MOZESZ DODAC 'APPARENTLY' presents a strange religion ritual.
• I think these old women are important in this event.
• I don’t know what kind of ceremony it can be but I guess it can be A christening.
• What is unusual in ABOUT this picture is fact that we can see PRZEDIMEK woman as a priest.
• I think this is something unnatural in our times.
• Only when I will JUZ WIESZ, ZLY CZAS see this ritual with my own eyes, BEZ PRZECINKA will I be able to say something more about it.

b) 3 muzułmanki idą w burkach ulicą
• The picture presents 2 women wearing burkas.
• In my opinion they must be Muslim.
• They seem to be very sad. I guess they don’t feel comfortable in such a PRZED LICZBA MNOGA? clothes
• I think they BRAK SLOWA wearing burkies because of religious belief W L. MNOGIEJ
• Not only are they earnest but also pretty
• I think they must be very polite to their husband
• Finally, I must say that I think they are not happy in their life. ONE MAJA JEDNO WSPOLNE ZYCIE?
• The general LEPIEJ; OVERALL atmosphere in this picture is negative.
• The picture apparently presents a strange religion ritual.
• I think these old women are important in this event.
• I don’t know what kind of ceremony it can be but I guess it can be a christening.
• What is unusual about this picture is fact that we can see a woman as a priest.
• I think this is something unnatural in our times.
• Only when I see this ritual with my own eyes will I be able to say something more about it.

b) 3 muzułmanki idą w burkach ulicą
• The picture presents 2 women wearing burkas.
• In my opinion they must be Muslim.
• They seem to be very sad. I guess they don’t feel comfortable in such clothes
• I think they are wearing burkies because of religious beliefs
• Not only are they earnest but also pretty
• I think they must be very polite to their husband
• Finally, I must say that I think they are not happy in life.
• The overall atmosphere in this picture is negative.

Wielkie dzięki mg za solidne wskazówki! Czy finalnie może to tak pozostać jak powyżej?
usun fact
i zrob cos z burkas/burkies
jak mozesz zobaczyc czy one sa smutne czy nie, wiesz jak wyglada burka? nie utrwalaj stereotypow
i moze nie sa grzeczne tylko trzymaja mezow pod obcasami, znaczy, sandalami
na tym zdjęciu właśnie widać ich twarze i tylko twarze. Wyraznie widać na nich smutek.
Szczerze mówiąc nie wiem jaka jest liczba mnoga od burka - myślałam, że burkas
Cytat: streets_of_philadelphia
- myślałam, że burkas

uzylas dwoch roznych form
czyli pozostaje w obydwóch zdaniach burkas
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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