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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Every person is thought by life and by others. Teachers in school and friends are shaping knowledge and life experience. However, parents are the first teachers in human and animal realm. From the first breath thought the first steps till adult independence. That’s why parents are the best teachers.

Most importantly, parents as life teachers pose a crucial role in childhood and shaping a future behavior. Every parent stays in front of a hard task such as make their children cultural and good-tempered. Young brains develop as they grow and the best time to teach children how to behave is before school time. It is important time to change some habits and bad manners into something better. Child without parents would be vulnerable for other bad people or will be dangerous for their milieu. It is known that criminals or gang members have grown in terrible conditions, without parents’ love.

Moreover, parents usually are life teachers. Sometimes decisions are badly made and can be terribly ended. Parents can be helpful and give a good advice such cases as love, independent life or work. In hard times parents can be the best teachers and sometimes only two people to trust. Loved parents know everything about their children and try to be as helpful as possible. For example, young people who intend to have the first child need some help. They often ask their parents how to feed a baby or changing its clothes. New grandparents can take care of infant in absence of young people who need to work or just want spend some free time.

To sum up, parents are the most important persons in children life. Unfortunately parents usually are not appreciated. But their hard work should make us happy because without them, life could be sad and dull.
Every person is 'thought' (to jest zle slowo, napisales 'mysl') by life and by others.
However, parents are the first teachers in human and animal 'realm' (dla mnie slowo 'world' jakos lepiej pasuje) . From the first breath 'thought' (zle slowo - cos tu nie tak) the first steps till adult independence.

Most importantly, parents as life teachers pose a crucial role in childhood and shaping 'a' (niepotr) future behavior. Every parent 'stays' (zle slowo) in front of a hard task such as makING their children cultural and good-tempered. Young brains develop as they grow and the best time to teach children how to behave is 'before school time' (tzn. przed godzina 8ma rano? - cos tu nie tak). It is (brak przedimka) important time to change some habits and bad manners into something better. (przedimek) child without parents would be vulnerable for other bad people or 'will' (za silne slowo) be dangerous for their milieu. It is known that criminals or gang members have grown in 'terrible conditions' (poszukaj jakies inne okreslenie), without parents’ love.

Sometimes decisions are badly made and can 'be terribly ended' (cos masz pokrecone...can end terribly). Parents can be helpful and give 'a' (niepotr) good advice IN such cases as love, independent life or work. In 'hard' (zle okreslenie, tutaj to nie znaczy to samo co polskie 'ciezkie' - lepiej..difficult) times parents can be the best teachers and sometimes (przedimek) only two people to trust. 'Loved' (zle slowo, tutaj 'loving') parents know everything about their children and try to be as helpful as possible. For example, young people who intend to have theIR first child need some help. They often ask their parents ON how to feed a baby or 'changing' (zmieniasz czasy w zdaniu, to change) its clothes. New grandparents can take care of (przedimek) infant in (przedimek) absence of young people who need to work or just want TO spend some free time.

To sum up, parents are the most important 'persons' (lepiej 'people') in childrenS life.


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