New factory - essay

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A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

Big factories are buildings or complexes which produce something useful for everyday use. But they can be pretty helpful or be a dangerous place for the nearest communities. But how exactly are advantages and disadvantages of the following idea.

Above all, big factories can affect environment. Building plans of a specified factory should include information about a pollution and how it will cause environment. Unfortunately, this is still usually ignored. When trees need to be cut off on a large scale because of the new factory, some species can be endangered because of their homeland loss. It is important to leave as much tress as it possible in the building process. Trees are the lungs of the Earth but cutting them is widely widespread. Factory pollution is usually generated and forest microclimate damages can continuously spread out. Some products of the building process will pollute the nearest forests and parks.

In contrast, a new factory can be advantageous for commercial and economic purposes. New work places will occur along with the factory. Unemployment will decrease if the factory is big enough to employ a large amount of workers. A new work and money source is crucial for unemployed in getting better life quality and material situation. Moreover, a new production will be started and specified product incomes will increase with a new factory production processes. Factory taxes can generate the money for the particular country or the nearest city. Thanks to a new tax income, the particular city will be improved. New homes, renovated parks plans will occur and the city could be bigger and bigger.

To sum up, the new big factory is a great idea in an economic plane. It could be helpful for many people. However, new pollution source will be generated. It could destroy the animals homelands and the forest microclimate. It is a bad idea to build the new factory because of disadvantages mentioned above. Sometimes people life quality is less worth than the unique environment.
Big factories are buildings or complexes which 'produce' (dla mnie nie za bardzo trafne slowo, bo generalnie, 'buildings' nic nie produkuja - moze inne slowo) something useful for everyday use.
Above all, big factories can affect (brak przedimka) environment. Building plans of a specified factory should include information about 'a' (niepotr) pollution and how it will 'cause' (zle slowo) environment. When trees need to be cut 'off' (zle slowo, tutaj 'down') on a large scale because of the new factory, some species can be endangered because of their homeland loss. It is important to leave as 'much' (zle slowo) 'tress' (ortog) as it possible in the building process. Trees are the lungs of the Earth but cutting them is 'widely widespread' (za duzo tego 'w' - poszukaj inne slowa).
Unemployment will decrease if the factory is 'big' (daj inne slowo) enough to employ a large amount of workers. A new work and money source is crucial for unemployed in getting (przedimek) better life quality and material situation (napisz dla kogo).
Thanks to 'a' (zly przedimek) new tax income, the particular city will be improved.

To sum up, the new big factory is a great idea in an economic 'plane' (cos to slowo mi nie za bardzo pasuje). It could destroy the 'animals' (nie, tutaj 'animal') homelands and the forest microclimate.
Sometimes people'S life quality is 'less worth' (zla kolej slow) than the unique environment.
Cytat: barro93
Big factories are buildings or complexes<-RACZEJ COMPOUNDS which produce something useful for everyday use. But NA TYM POZIOMIE ZNAJOMOSCI ANGIELSKIEGO NIE ZACZYNAJ ZDAN OD BUT they can be pretty helpful or be a dangerous place for the nearest
no proszę, poprawilem caly tekst,a wkleilo sie tylko troszke.


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