rozprawka opinion essay

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Nuclear Power is a kind of Power Station which uses nuclear fission reactions to heat water in order to produce steam, which is then used to generate electricity. Nowadays, Nuclear Power is the fastest growing kind of electricity which supplies countries all over the world. In my opinion Nuclear Power is the power of the future.

In the first place the extract of coal and oil is very expensive and this sources are empting. That is why we hear more often about the nuclear energy. This the future of energy. However the production of nuclear power is quite cheap, the cost of building the nuclear power station is very big.

In addition, the nuclear power is much better for the environment. It does not produce the fumes or carbon dioxide which is responsible for air contamination. The scientist say that it is safe.

On the other hand there are problems with accumulating radioactive by-products. It takes thousands of years to decompose. In the case of explosion the costs of medical help would be huge. Moreover, the consequences of explosion are irreversible. The radiation sickness is very dangerous. It causes radiation - induced tumours, inborn defects of mind and body.

In conclusion, Nuclear Power has some advantages. I strongly believe that it’s developed enough to be at the present time.

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zaznacz to, co sam napisales, a nie wzialem z gotowych zrodel.
I mozesz od razu poprawic kilka bledow, np. brak zgody czasownika z rzeczownikiem: piszesz rzeczy typu 'naukowiec mówią' albo w ogóle zapominasz o czasowniku.
już nie musisz pisac, co sam napisalesęzyki/angielski/23302-nuclear_power_plants_the_source_of_energy.html

jak kiedys napiszesz co s samodzielnie, byc moze ktos tu sprawdzi. na razie nie masz tutaj czego szukać.
tak pół tekstu jest zabrane z bryka ale reszte to moja robota, więc może ktos cos pomoże
czy napisalem cos niejasno?
Cytat: patryk11641
tak pół tekstu jest zabrane z bryka ale reszte to moja robota, więc może ktos cos pomoże

to mnie znowu osmieszylo. Mezczyzna idzie z kobieta do lozka, i mowi, to nic, jedna polowa bedzie kogos innego a druga moja.....
Wstydz sie!!!!!!!!. Jestes leniem ktory chce latwizne, ale nie z nami te numery......
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